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  1. #31
    Senior Member gandrw's Avatar
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    Yeah I guess I should have specified I would not recommend trying the ear thing, I don't use any pressure or fast poring I just tilt my head the right way and the saline finds it way in gently. I let it sit for just a bit then tilt the other way. I also sleep so that ear is facing up at least for most of the night to be sure it drains completely.

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  3. #32
    tdf is offline
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    I've tried the plastic bottle alternative mentioned a couple of pages back (got a chronic stuffy nose, nothing serious really, but it's annoying). Didn't really do it for me. Although I think I might just try mixing the solution myself instead of buying prepackaged ones from CVS that I think are too weak. Will see.

  4. #33
    Member shamrocker's Avatar
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    Default neti pot

    Been lugging around the same little porcelain neti pot for 40 years now, first sign of a cold out it comes and we kill it then and there. simple stuff still is the best

  5. #34
    Senior Member rickboone's Avatar
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    My g/f has used one for years. She's been trying to get me to use one, I never felt the desire. Now, I think I will. We have several in our house. I looked and found one in the box. In it was a paper to send off for a free squeeze type bottle too from Neil Med.

    I don't know how long we've had it, but if anyone buys a Neil Med neti pot, you may get a free squeeze bottle too. Just send it off or fax it. G/F likes it better.

    So, here's to nasal cleansing! April 26-27th come to one of the greatest meet ups of wet shavers!

  6. #35
    Wee Whisker Whacker BingoBango's Avatar
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    OK, I'm too curious. I'm getting one of these things and trying it. My nose isn't stuffed or anything, I just want to know what it's like to have water run through my nose like that.

    On a related note, I've snorted cold water out of my hand to stop a nose bleed before. Works pretty quickly, feels good and doesn't leave you with those bloody boogers afterwards. Does make a bit of a mess in the sink though.

  7. #36
    Senior Member rickboone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BingoBango View Post
    OK, I'm too curious. I'm getting one of these things and trying it. My nose isn't stuffed or anything, I just want to know what it's like to have water run through my nose like that.

    On a related note, I've snorted cold water out of my hand to stop a nose bleed before. Works pretty quickly, feels good and doesn't leave you with those bloody boogers afterwards. Does make a bit of a mess in the sink though.

    Just tried mine for the first time. Water was too hot, and it was odd at first. It's kind of like swallowing salt water. I choked up a few times and feels like went to my eye. It really wasn't that bad at all though. Very mild. I didn't finish the entire 8 ounces. I blew tons of crusty crud out of my nose. I can see the benefits and will keep at it. April 26-27th come to one of the greatest meet ups of wet shavers!

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  9. #37
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tdf View Post
    I've tried the plastic bottle alternative mentioned a couple of pages back (got a chronic stuffy nose, nothing serious really, but it's annoying). Didn't really do it for me. Although I think I might just try mixing the solution myself instead of buying prepackaged ones from CVS that I think are too weak. Will see.
    It is supposed to be mild, yes weak.
    Just a light neutral saline solution....
    Not medicated but just a gentle wash so
    the body can do the normal things that
    is does.

    It makes a lot of sense when the season changes.
    Houses and offices are too dry...

  10. #38
    Wee Whisker Whacker BingoBango's Avatar
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    Just tried it... That was a bit weird. I bought one of those CVS versions and used the stuff they give you and followed the directions. Some went down the back of my throat and my ears popped. It was pretty cool though.

    How do you know when the pot is empty? I got water all over the place taking it out too soon.

  11. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by niftyshaving View Post
    It is supposed to be mild, yes weak.
    Just a light neutral saline solution....
    Not medicated but just a gentle wash so
    the body can do the normal things that
    is does.

    It makes a lot of sense when the season changes.
    Houses and offices are too dry...

    The NeilMed Sinus Rinse (trademark) has salt and sodium bicarbonate (pharmaceutical grade baking soda). I have heard/read somewhere that the bicarb is there to lessen the stinging sensation of the salt. For those who experience that, I guess - it doesn't show up among the people in this thread.

    Pretty mild stuff in at the recommended dilution.


  12. #40
    Opto Ergo Sum bassguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BingoBango View Post
    How do you know when the pot is empty? I got water all over the place taking it out too soon.
    I'm not sure what the CVS product is like, but I know the pot is empty when water stops draining out my nostril. When you get the hang of it you learn how to relax your face and just let the water fall out.

    Quote Originally Posted by drifwood View Post
    I have heard/read somewhere that the bicarb is there to lessen the stinging sensation of the salt. For those who experience that, I guess - it doesn't show up among the people in this thread.
    I read the same thing about bicarb, that it does something to the PH making it more nasal friendly. Never tried it though. I only experience the stinging when the water is too hot or the salt isn't full dissolved. Most unpleasant.

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