L.Wood with Erinmore Flake
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L.Wood with Erinmore Flake
L.Wood - England and
Jirsa - Czech Republik
I'm new to this pipe thing but here is my new Peterson.
Smoke is a house blend maple and vanilla.
yes basil, it is. Very good razor.
Because of my pipe-collection:
I'll share the pictures with you, Gents.
All they are in rotation.
Stay tuned.
I have to stay away from the #109 unless I want to start smoking 10-12-many pipe-fulls a day again. Wonderful stuff! Between that and Escudo it would be difficult to catch me awake without a lit pipe in my mouth. (with an occasional break for eating, and for ... a bowl of Haddo's)
I am new to this so I am asking for the opinions of you with more experience. This happened after only 3 1/4 bowls during break in of a new pipe. I was very careful not to over heat the bowl while smoking and hell it was only 1/4 bowls. How bad is this. :confused::confused:
I don't know much about smoking a pipe either but to me that looks like an air pocket that burst.
Hard to tell...looks like your carbon "cake" is just cracking. Reem it out and build anew. If it's the wooded bowl, you could be on the verge of a burnout.
Either way, enjoy a few more bowls, if it's the former you'll be fine...the latter, well...there's nothing much you can do - go to and get yourself a new Peterson! :)
pipe: Vauen- D-Mark (in memoriam)
tobacco: Signature
pipe-cleaner: horseshoe nail
another Vauen- pipe
Today's Pipes and Tobacco:
Sam Gawith Navy Flake in a bent Gifapip
Sam Gawith Chocolate Flake in a Lonchamp Billiard
Old Joe Krantz in a 7769
Snuff: Swisher Navy Sweet Scotch Snuff
Conwood Sweet Peach Scotch Snuff
Post Work Beer(s): Pabst Blue Ribbon
Having dabbled with pipes in the past, i have no real knowledge of good pipe tobacco. I would like to try something that is not extremely overpowering. Nothing with vanilla either. Can any of you make a recommendation that is not going to break the bank? :confused:
Prince Albert: This is just good pipe tobacco. It's been around since the turn of the last century and has changed very little over the years. It's fairly affordable, widely available, and very easy to smoke. It's neither sickly sweet nor super strong and cigary, just a great pipe tobacco.
Sir Walter Raleigh: Another classic American burley very reminiscent of Edgeworth Ready Rubbed (which is no longer made). Not sickly sweet or over cased, but does have kind of a hint of a chocolate like background.
Matter of fact I think I'll go burn some SWR right now.
Stanwell Pipe of the year 2002
tobacco: Signature
Stanwell X-mas 2001 and a Meerschaum-Pipe
tobacco: Tabakskollegium
I have questions aplenty about a couple of pipes i recently obtained. They are estate pipes and i used some vodka to sterilized and clean them. The mouth pieces, i wiped with vodka on a q-tip. The q-tips came back black and now the stems are kinda discolored. They have a two tone brown look to them. Is that still tobacco on the mouth pieces? Is Vodka a good thing to sterilized them with? One of them has alot of "cake" inside the bowl, do i need to remove all, some or any of this before i smoke it? Will the taste of the tobacco be different than it should because of the previous smokes or vodka?
Sorry no pics available yet.
Renier Golden Slices in my birthyear Dunhill (1973) bent acorn. Delish on a warm summer night.
In Europe you can order some good material to keep your pipes clean or restore it:
Pipe Wax for the bowls and all other wood
Pipe clean for mouth piece (inside)
Pipe polish for mouth pieces (outside)
You should use a pipe reamer for inside the bowl if you have more than 1mm coal in your bowl.
Please realize: a good pipe should have anytime 1 mm coal in the bowl!
Sometimes I use a good Whisky to clean the mouth pieces inside- it works!
pitch pipe
Old Joe Krantz in a Kaywoodie Medium Apple (7742) but first a nice couple hits of Swisher Navy Sweet Scotch snuff to start the day out with a swift kick in the pants.
Good morning!
pipe: Vauen
tobacco: Avalon
pipe: Jirsa (Czech Republic)
tobacco: Tabak- kollegium
I love the ash tray what is it?
wood and glass
This is my modest collection of pipes. I usually smoke Borkum Riff Cherry Cavendish. I seem to go back to that after trying other tobacco's all the time, so I'll say that it's my staple tobacco.
nice pitch pipes, Mick.
pipe: Jirsa - Czech Republic
eTom I love your posts in this thread. I checked out Vauen and they have some GREAT looking stuff. But man, that Stanwell Pipe of the year 2002 looks amazing.
I don't smoke really- maybe a bowl full once or twice a year, but I used to collect pipes way before razors. I sold most of what I had and didn't really want and kept my nicest. I'll dig them up since this thread makes me want to collect again.
thx Philadelph!
I think people who use straight razors love history and cultur.
Also the pipe smoker use and collect historical products or products of craftsman and "artists".
We just call them clay pipes...At least I think you're refering to the clay pipes. The one with the green tip has a small hole in the side of the base. Unfortunate since it is a nice one to use if you keep a finger on the pinhole. The other two were handmade in Devon, England, I believe.
The straight belonged to my father when he was alive. All the rest are my own choices. I prefer bents, but there is something about the churchwarden that is very appealing too...I guess I should just say I love them all equally for their own individual personalities. :)
sorry Mick, I'm from Germany.
There was a mistake in the translation.
In german language we call it "Tonpfeife".
Some very nice looking toys in this thread. I need to try a pipe soon, given how much I enjoy cigars...
After a hard week at work it is the time to start my friday evening with this combination:
Pipe: Stanwell
Tobacco: W.Ø. Larsen 1864
Beer: Aura, serve cold
Sorry for the poor picture quality. No time to waste now :D
I don't want to get too off-topic, but as a new pipe smoker i'm finding myself looking for a good pipe lighter. Any suggestions on something that might not break the bank?
Also, in order to stay on topic, today's smoke (pictures will come later) was marvelous:
L.J. Peretti (second) bent pipe
Wooden Matches
Local Aromatic (Yeah yeah, go ahead and make fun of my "fisher price my first baccy") Blend, tasting of Cherries and slightly spicy.
I must say a wonderful start to a soothing hobby.
pipe: L. Wood
tobacco: Old Gowrie
I bought this pipe from the dead man's auction so i cannot say how it was when it was new. I cleaned it, and nowadays it is one of my favorite pipes. The tobacco lasts long and the pipe doesn't get hot too easily. Also the tobacco tastes if not better but you get more of the taste compared to some of my cheaper pipes (Chacom/Lorenzo). This pipe doesn't spit in your mouth (Finnish term, couldn't find similar in English). Great pipe overall; wish i could find similar but new.