pipe: Wessex
tobacco: Tabak- Kollegium
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pipe: Wessex
tobacco: Tabak- Kollegium
I had a great smoke today. tobac was my local shops Cherry vanilla good hot day smoke and of course my Pete Zulu
pipe: Stanwell
tobacco: Special Edition 2004
pipe: Vauen
tobacco: Erinmore Flake
The afternoon-pipe
tobacco: Signature
pipe: Butz Choquin Mignon France
tobacco: Capstan Flake
Tom, Tom, Tom... You make me REALLY wish that I had a nice pipe of my own (Or any pipe!)... Cigars are good, but those just look classy and relaxing...
Great pictures
Best regards,
thx for your comment. I have some more. And- btw- I also smoke cigars.
pipes: L.Wood + Stanwell
tobacco: Stanwell
Etom, how many pipes do you own?
Don't know.
I'll count it this week.
They are at different places in the house.
36 pipes
in rotation. So each pipe can "relax"
I have 2 and really only use 1. I have been smoking tobacco from a local "head" shop and can get tobacco for $4 an ounce. Why does the ones that most of you have been posting cost like $14? Are they really any better?
Great thread! Always look forward to reading this...
Tonight, Full Virginia Flake in my bent acorn meer (considerably darker now than this pic)
pipes today:
L.Wood & Stanwell
tobacco: Tabakkollegium
Friday evening pipe:
Prep: sauna 95C (203F) 30 min, shave
Pipe: Peterson
Tobacco: Peterson
Beer: lager, chilled
Gentlemen! I have not smoked a pipe for many years, but I do love this tread. Keep em coming.
I've been breaking this one in lately with some burleys.
Howdy guys,
As I said before I am considering replacing my occasional cigar with an occasional pipe, however in discussion with a local pipe smoker I have heard it can take up to an hour to smoke a pie, this seems a long time as i'm getting used to it, so a studi question, can you start a pipe off snuff it out and come back to it later or is this all wrong?
Blue, lovely Pete 303 - one of my favourite pipes! I notice you've got the fishtail bit rather than the traditional p-lip...again, my choice as well. They're great smokers.
Two beauties:
Vauen- pipe of the year 2002
tobacco: special blend
You can't come back later - you have to smoke all there is in the bowl, but you don't need to fill the bowl up to the top. Just fill as much you want to smoke.
Doesn't take an hour to smoke a pipeful. At least for me it takes about 15 minutes or so, but i do not fill the bowl to the top. For me it is something between 1/2 - 3/4. Smoking pipe is also somewhat different than cigars. It takes some time to learn how to smoke a pipe. If the bowl gets hot then you've been too busy.
Pipes aren't something for a quick smoke. They are rather something to sit down for a while, relax and enjoy. At least for me.
My self, being a rather novice pipe smoker, fill my bowl and smoke it off and on all day. Sailor, eTom, Jimmyhad and the rest have tons more experience than i so take my advice with a grain of salt. I don't have the luxury to sit and relax and smoke. I fill my bowl in the morning and smoke it 5 minutes here, 5 minutes there. I am sure it doesn't taste as good by constant relighting, but that is the only choice i have. Sailor said smoke it in one sitting, then do that. It may even affect how the wood reacts or maby cause damage to the pipe, i don't know but any advice is always helpful.
Yep! It's called a DGT or a Delayed Gratification Pipe. I'm not a fan...I look forward to a relaxing hour...but some folks think it actually improves the tobacco.Quote:
...can you start a pipe off snuff it out and come back to it later or is this all wrong?
YMMV, but try it out and let us know what you think!
I think I should have named this thread "eTom's Pipe Gallery." My noted absence is because I had my last two wisdom teeth out about a week or so ago, and I'm not risking smoking until the holes are fully closed. Hopefully soon...
hey guys
Thanks for the advice, it had never occured to me to only part fill the pipe lol, although I have been thinking for my first pipe to try a ten minute pipe.
Like this little guy here, I understand sailors whole sitting and relaxing with the pipe, but it's something I'd add in to my already relaxing habits so a shorter smoke actually suits me.
My Pipes for today in the garden:
L. Wood
Peterson Irish Whiskey
Sorry guys, it's been a little while.
This morning
Tobacco: Tinder Box "Crown Royale"
Pipe: Jirsa 120
Tobacco: Peterson Connoisseur's Choice
Pipe: Peterson Donegal Rocky 408
Good morning gents,
today: Meerschaum Golf by Vauen
tobacco: Caribic
Have a nice week!
GL Pease Westminster in a Talbert Morta:
Good morning!
Today I enjoy:
Jirsa (Czech Republic)
tobacco: Monkey's Mixture
Well I can’t post any pictures of pipes like these and they are thinks of really splendid, I love the ash tray, it’s a remarkable design. Well I am an occasional smoker; I am quite young to smoke a pipe. I used to smoke at university cigarettes but it was frowned upon as I came to my final years there. When I became a Dr. I really thought I should stop and I did.
I went to a conference in the US in Alabama. Well I was away from my wife, and I thought I would buy a corn pipe and some fine University Flake; I had great successes very quickly and just fell in love with corn pipes.
I have been smoking them for about ten years since. My wife does not like smoking at all, and I never smoke during the day (unless away on my own) and not every evening, but some evenings (a few times a week) a just settle down on the sun lounger and smoke a bowl reading a good book or just thinking, and I cant explain how wonderful it is, there is part of me that wishes I had never picked up that corn pipe and fallen in love.
I cant tell you how many I have thrown thinking that’s it now no more, just to pick one up again a few weeks later.
I have decided that moderation is key! And I am not helped by the fact that my grandfather smoked a pipe until he died at 91. I have some how convinced myself now that I can do the same thing! Ha!
I love the thread.
A secret lover of corn pipes.
I just recently started smoking a pipe, and I gotta say, sitting on the back porch with a drink and a pipe watching the world shuffle by is very very relaxing
Good morning, gents:
absolutely must do today list:
1. I ride my Harley
2. I use the following pipes: Stanwell/ Vauen and enjoy the tobacco:Black Diamond
3. I use my Joseph Rodgers straight razor
awesome price that's right. This pipes look very nice and do their work.
Some of this pipes only have a little one bowl.
I favorize bowls for much more tobacco, like Stanwell and Vauen.
BTW: It takes me 2 hours to visit Jirsa in Czech Republic.
Good morning, gents.
L.Wood/ Stanwell
tobacco: Signature