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Thread: Pipe of the Day

  1. #7861
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    MacBaren Plumcake in a Missouri Meerschaum. Wait...isn't that illegal? It seems I heard a decision from the Hague some years ago strictly forbidding European tin tobacco in cob pipes. All kidding aside Plumcake is very tasty and the cob as usual delivered a wonderful smoke.
    The older I get, the better I was

  2. #7862
    Senior Member IamSt8ght's Avatar
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    eTom, I have a Vauen pipe with a filter, but I don't like the filter. Can you smoke the Vauen pipe without the filter?

  3. #7863
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    Yes you can, but you should use a special adapter. This adapter reduce the space inside.
    I'll ask my dealer...
    Please ask your dealer too. If he don't have such adapters I could send you one by snail-mail...
    Last edited by eTom; 08-21-2013 at 03:29 PM.

  4. #7864
    Senior Member IamSt8ght's Avatar
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    Thank you. I found one at for $5. It's called a Vauen Tabak. I will check with our local pipe shop to see if they carry them, if not, I will order it online. Thank you!

  5. #7865
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IamSt8ght View Post
    Thank you. I found one at for $5. It's called a Vauen Tabak. I will check with our local pipe shop to see if they carry them, if not, I will order it online. Thank you!
    A pleasure!

  6. #7866
    Senior Member SantamourJr's Avatar
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    Has anyone tried Peterson's Christmas Blend for 2013? The mixture looks interesting and I'm thinking about buying a tin, but was wondering if any of you had given it a go yet.
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    God be in my head and in my understanding. God be in my eyes and in my looking. God be in my mouth and in my speaking. God be in my heart and in my thinking. God be at my end and my departing. -Amen

  7. #7867
    Senior Member IamSt8ght's Avatar
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    The look of the tin has caught my attention, as well as Peterson's Special Reserve and Summertime Blend, but they are aromatics (with Cavendish), and so far, aromatics are not apealing to me, with one exception.

    BTW, I put in a large order of tobaccco to get free shipping, and it includes some Old Dark Fired and Plumcake (that's the one exception), among others. If I continue at my pace of 1-2 bowls per week, I should have a couple years worth of tobacco. On the other hand, if I start picking up the pace, I guess I'll be doing some more shopping.

  8. #7868
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    Once again the "Sachsen Classic" came to Glauchau.

    here you get some of the beautyful cars

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    Otto, EMC45, Sailor and 10 others like this.

  9. #7869
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IamSt8ght View Post
    The look of the tin has caught my attention, as well as Peterson's Special Reserve and Summertime Blend, but they are aromatics (with Cavendish), and so far, aromatics are not apealing to me, with one exception.

    BTW, I put in a large order of tobaccco to get free shipping, and it includes some Old Dark Fired and Plumcake (that's the one exception), among others. If I continue at my pace of 1-2 bowls per week, I should have a couple years worth of tobacco. On the other hand, if I start picking up the pace, I guess I'll be doing some more shopping.
    I love that Plumcake .... yummy, yummy Plumcake. I suppose technically it could be considered an aromatic because of the Jamaican Rum but like you it's the only one then that I can tolerate anymore. I love the smell of aromatics just fine, but smoking them is too burny for my tongue anymore. That Syrian latakia is what keeps me goin on the PC. Little teasing sips of latakia. I may somewhere down the road try that old dark fired too.Been reading up on it and it sounds delicious.
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  10. #7870
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    I asked the guys at my local about the Pilots mix I been enjoying and they say it's not cased at all. The wonderful cinnamon chocolate like flavor is straight up matured Virginia. Yuuuum !!
    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

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