Thanks for the tips. The bowl has little cake. I was also wondering about cleanin the stem/shank? Tthe inside of the stem where it screws into the shank is caked in black.
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Thanks for the tips. The bowl has little cake. I was also wondering about cleanin the stem/shank? Tthe inside of the stem where it screws into the shank is caked in black.
If there's any cake etc inside the shank you could just use the pin of your pipe tool. If the cake sits tight, you could hold drill bit with your fingers and carefully drill the cake away. I'm afraid there's no much you could do with the colouring. Meer pipes just ought to get such an uneven colouring like that. In time the whole meer will get dark. That might take years.
With the stem use just pipe cleaner & vodka. Save some vodka for yourself!
I read to be careful when using a pipe cleaner and not to push it hard into the bowl. It could wear/poke a hole in the bowl.
I also read i could use some fine sandpaper to rub down the cake gently.
So to sum up. A light clean of any cake. Inside the bowl. Try to pick out cake in the shank and the stem will be ok to clean with pipe cleaner and whisky? As I don't use drink or touch vodka lol.
Am I on the right road here?
You got it right.
I think there is not much you can do about the colouring except keep on smoking to darken it some more.
Whisky is good as any strong alcohol. Some say different spirits leave different ghosts for some time. I guess it's too hifi for me.
Whatever you do, remember to be careful. 'Luke, use the force' might be fail.
I did not get the impression nor did I mean to imply not to use a pipe cleaner in the stem. Just to be careful not to push the end of the wire into the bowl and since the meerschaum is soft and you could wear a hole.
I agree with Sailor.
Your Meerschaum looks alright to me. It is developing a nice color around the bowl.
You may want to ream the stem by dipping the end of a pipe cleaner in some pipe cleaning solution and running it through the stem to remove the cake inside. It's not necessary to remove all of the cake, however.
Other than that, I would leave it alone.
I think ill just dipe a pipe cleaner in some whisky pass it throughtl the stem to clean it let it dry amd have me a smoke. The cake in the bowl doesnt appear much so after a few bowls ill wrap some wet n dry round a dowel amd give it a light rubbing out. Im wanting a smoke of it.
You don't want cake buildup on a meer, it's recommended to clean them well after use to prevent buildup. One of the joys of a meer is to watch the color change as you smoke em and to watch the character of the pipe change. I have 3 and one of the best things is you get to experience the true taste of the tobacco with no influence from briar. Thats not to say say I don't love my briars...I have a "few" ;)...but the meers are just great. Yours is a nice one BTW :) Enjoy.