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Thread: Pipe of the Day

  1. #4771
    Fizzy Laces Connoisseur
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    Default Re: Pipe of the Day

    Well gentlemen.

    I have finally reached a point where I feel I've made enough progress to justify a picture...

    So todays was a cob of sinclair highland slice. Not expensive but I got it to make my past purchase up to a round number lol.

    It's taken a while to get used to it, it isn't offensive but I don't think I will be getting it again, just not for me.

    Also do any of you good gents smoke shag tobacco in your pipe? I believe in some countries it's considered rolling baccy but in the uk it's classed as pipe baccy so might give some a shake

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    Onto a note of care. I have decided to go for tapered cleabers as they get down to the bowl with no issues and have taken tobcleaning ky pipe out with a piece of paper towel or napkin aftrr my smoke. I also took a lil risk and sanded all the black stuff out of my cob as I was a bit laxed in cleaning sobdecided to start a new. I have to say it tastes better...


  2. #4772
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGeek View Post
    Also do any of you good gents smoke shag tobacco in your pipe? I believe in some countries it's considered rolling baccy but in the uk it's classed as pipe baccy so might give some a shake
    Shag tobacco is known as rolling tobacco here, but some folks smoke it in pipes too. I always thought it might burn very hot.
    Damn. Wasn't it Sherlock Holmes who kept his shag tobacco in his shoes or slippers? Must have tasted special. A real man's aromatic?
    Nightblade and NoseWarmer like this.

  3. #4773
    Fizzy Laces Connoisseur
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    Default Re: Pipe of the Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Sailor View Post
    Shag tobacco is known as rolling tobacco here, but some folks smoke it in pipes too. I always thought it might burn very hot.
    Damn. Wasn't it Sherlock Holmes who kept his shag tobacco in his shoes or slippers? Must have tasted special. A real man's aromatic?
    I read a few places that it was known as rolling tobacco, but here in the UK it's taxed as pipe baccy, also pretty cheap. Thinking of another cob for trying some aromatics so may order some along with.


  4. #4774
    Easily distracted by sharp objects alb1981's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sailor View Post
    Shag tobacco is known as rolling tobacco here, but some folks smoke it in pipes too. I always thought it might burn very hot.
    Damn. Wasn't it Sherlock Holmes who kept his shag tobacco in his shoes or slippers? Must have tasted special. A real man's aromatic?
    quite right. Serlock kept his shag in the toe of an old persian slipper...

  5. #4775
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGeek View Post
    I read a few places that it was known as rolling tobacco, but here in the UK it's taxed as pipe baccy, also pretty cheap. Thinking of another cob for trying some aromatics so may order some along with.

    Just checked few websites in UK that sell shag tobacco. At least Gawith & Hoggarth seems to produce huge amount of various tastes.
    Although the prices are higher than our local shag tobaccos, i might try some.

    Years ago i spent few weeks in UK and London with wifey. We also visited 221b Baker Street. I remember that the museum shop had also pipes, but do not remember if they were anything special.
    Few years ago my daughter and wannabe-son-in-law had a vacation in London too. Later they told me that there were Peterson tobaccos in Holmes Museum, but they didn't check the pipes either.
    Last edited by Sailor; 09-20-2012 at 05:33 PM.

  6. #4776
    Fizzy Laces Connoisseur
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    Default Re: Pipe of the Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Sailor View Post
    Just checked few websites in UK that sell shag tobacco. At least Gawith & Hoggarth seems to produce huge amount of various tastes.
    Although the prices are higher than our local shag tobaccos, i might try some.

    Years ago i spent few weeks in UK and London with wifey. We also visited 221b Baker Street. I remember that the museum shop had also pipes, but do not remember if they were anything special.
    Few years ago my daughter and wannabe-son-in-law had a vacation in London too. Later they told me that there were Peterson tobaccos in Holmes Museum, but they didn't check the pipes either.
    I'm north of the wall and we don't have much in the way of tobacconists here. Theres a cigar shop in Edonburgh though who does some tobacco and other useful bits.


  7. #4777
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGeek View Post
    I'm north of the wall and we don't have much in the way of tobacconists here. Theres a cigar shop in Edonburgh though who does some tobacco and other useful bits.

    Hey this is great. You surely know about places to go in Edinburgh. Not only tobacco shops but anything in general. There's a direct flight from my home town to Edinburgh so that is one of the places we've considered. Flight tickets are very cheap as well.

  8. #4778
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    The question is up to you... Do you want to smoke SHAG in your pipe?

    Here in the USA they market RYO tobacco as Pipe Tobacco to get around all the taxes... They call it "cross over/Criss Cross" or something like that... Anyway, my understanding the way that they (The Gov'ment) seperate the two is by moisture content and cut...

    I have smoked Red Cap which is a X Over but it's not as harsh as others... Real earthy and remindes me of fresh cut grass (Lawn)

    But if you think about it, what did they smoke 100-200 years ago... Tobacco...

    My two cents...
    alb1981 likes this.

  9. #4779
    Fizzy Laces Connoisseur
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    Default Re: Pipe of the Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Sailor View Post
    Hey this is great. You surely know about places to go in Edinburgh. Not only tobacco shops but anything in general. There's a direct flight from my home town to Edinburgh so that is one of the places we've considered. Flight tickets are very cheap as well.
    I would be better in Glasgow lol but yeah can find what I need in edinburgh, and by that I mean steak beer amd the train station lol. But it really depends on what you're looking for.

    Quote Originally Posted by NoseWarmer View Post

    The question is up to you... Do you want to smoke SHAG in your pipe?

    Here in the USA they market RYO tobacco as Pipe Tobacco to get around all the taxes... They call it "cross over/Criss Cross" or something like that... Anyway, my understanding the way that they (The Gov'ment) seperate the two is by moisture content and cut...

    I have smoked Red Cap which is a X Over but it's not as harsh as others... Real earthy and remindes me of fresh cut grass (Lawn)

    But if you think about it, what did they smoke 100-200 years ago... Tobacco...

    My two cents...
    Here it's based on the width of cut. Seemingly anything under 1.5mm is classed as rolling tobacco.

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  10. #4780
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoseWarmer View Post
    But if you think about it, what did they smoke 100-200 years ago... Tobacco...
    Your comment takes me way off topic. Guess it isn't the first time.

    Howevers. Clay pipes used to be import goodies back hundreds of years ago.
    Baltic Sea is rich in shipwrecks, thanks not only to wars but rough sea and rocky waters. In Finnish area alone are thousands and even more not discovered yet. Ship worm doesn't live in Baltic waters so even wooden wrecks stay in good shape if they sink deep enough not to get crushed by the ice in winter.
    Here's few pics from Vrouw Maria that sunk in 1771 in our SW archipelago. The cargo is full of clay pipes (as well as more valuable goodies).
    Heck. next time we are about to take our divers to practice in some of those wrecks i could ask a mate if it is possible that one or two pipes accidentally ended into their pockets. I could have some use for 'scientific research'. Would be cool to have a clay pipe that is few hundred years old.

    manah, wvloony, MWS and 7 others like this.

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