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  1. #11
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    Mitch Rosen has been around for a long time, and some very knowledgable people have raved about his products... Massad Ayoob in particular was a huge proponent.
    I've never had one of his holsters myself, but always wanted one...

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Here is a very reasonably priced option that I've seen people on gun forums speak highly of. No personal experience with Tucker holsters myself though.
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  3. #13
    Don is offline
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    Well I have some looking to do. Thanks all.
    I do have a quick question and probably a real stupid one. And i am sure more to follow once I start looking. I was first looking at IWB and then had some concerns. I am a thin Dude and unless I by the right pants most look baggy on me. IWB would mean you have to buy pants larger in the waist is that correct?
    Well said it was stupid lol
    Want to carry my 1911s but also want max concealment

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Don View Post
    Well I have some looking to do. Thanks all.
    I do have a quick question and probably a real stupid one. And i am sure more to follow once I start looking. I was first looking at IWB and then had some concerns. I am a thin Dude and unless I by the right pants most look baggy on me. IWB would mean you have to buy pants larger in the waist is that correct?
    Well said it was stupid lol
    Want to carry my 1911s but also want max concealment
    About +2" in the waist size for the 1911 in Kramer's IWB # 2.

    "Cheap Tools Is Misplaced Economy. Always buy the best and highest grade of razors, hones and strops. Then you are prepared to do the best work."
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  5. #15
    Antisocialite HarleyFXST's Avatar
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    How thin? I am 6' and 160-170lbs,and find it hard to comfortably conceal my 5" 1911 in my waistband during summer months.The law in Oklahoma demands total concealment.I wear jeans and not slacks ,so YMMV. I find the concealment T-shirt holster to be a great alternative,when I feel the need to carry during warmer months. It has the added bonus of making the pistol more easily accessible/comfortable while sitting. If you are running errands and getting in and out of a car,it makes a difference.

  6. #16
    Ne Conjuge Nobiscum Snipersnest's Avatar
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    I got a custom holster for my Kimber made by 5 Shot Leather. Nice holster and very reasonably priced.

  7. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    That is why the beltster is ideal if you can wear your shirt out or a jacket. No need to buy larger clothes, close to the body and comfortable. My co-worker , who first got one, has a second one that is a strong side and additional cross draw. He uses the cross draw when riding in the car.

    If I get another I'll go for the dual option as well. BTW, mine was made for a Kahr P9 but I carry a Kahr MK40 in it most of the time and a Sig P238 other times. Point being, it will fit more than one firearm.
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  8. #18
    Member Longrange's Avatar
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    Default Holster

    I am 5' 10" and weigh in at 180 on most days, though I am not skinny as some I am definably not fat. I carry my SIG 1911 Carry in a Kramer Vertical Scabbard FBI cant at 3 o'clock position. I also carry at about 1:30 a Glock 33 in a Cross Draw for my left hand or at 7 o'clock in a near small of the back. As I am a Pilot and spend a great deal of time sitting the Cross Draw is almost required as the strong side is sometime difficult to reach. I would urge you to consider a cross or near small of back if you are in a position where you are sitting the majority of the time. You can fine Kramer leather Custom Gun Leather Holster & Gun Holsters here. I strongly recommend Kramer and have many of there products. Mitch makes fine products however I do not have any (my father does however)

    I also urge you to get a high quality Gun Belt as the store bought belts will not stand up the a 1911. The gun will twist and stretch a normal belt. I recommend Gun Belts by The Belt Man, he makes a fine product. I have a few of his belts one of which is about 4 years old and is finally developing some character as well as one that is about 1 year old.

    When it comes to a holster make sure it is built for you specific gun. Any of the reputable holster makers will make you a fine product, I depends on what you want.

  9. #19
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    When I was working I had more holsters than...well I had alot and saw alot and in the end I see no reason to spend huge bucks for one. A quality holster like Galco or Bianchi is all you really need unless you have some specialty weapon or specialty mode of carry and one of these guys will custom make one for you.
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  10. #20
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    Perhaps a new thread should be started off this...

    Why the 1911?

    If you truly are looking for concealed. Would not a lighter and easier to carry firearm be in order?

    I know many have the mindset that "if it aint big, it aint worth carrying"

    But at 5'5 and 145lb, a full size like that would certainly make it look like I was "packing"

    I promise you, the little .380 when properly steered at its target, will get the job done!

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