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    Don is offline
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    Default Mitch Rosen Holsters

    Looking for a max concealment for a full size 1911. Came across this line. Seem very nice but pretty pricey. Looking at the THM. Anybody familiar with them or other recommendations would be appreciated. This will be my first holster.
    Rosen Product Line

  2. #2
    Senior Member sharp's Avatar
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    My holster search ended when I found crossbreed holsters (I never tried the MR, but many Galco, desantis, bianchi, etc). It is simply the most comfortable IWB holster I have ever used (and I use it daily). I have 3 of them for each of my carry guns. They also give a 10% discount on their product if you are an NRA member.

    If you like the MR, you may also want to look at Milt Sparks stuff. I warn you now though, they are pricey and you will be waiting a very long time to get it.

    Last edited by sharp; 09-06-2010 at 01:21 AM.

  3. #3
    lz6 is offline
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    Sharp makes a good recommendation Don. But it does not hurt to look around and I am sure there will be more posts on this. I use a Crossbreed for concealed carry through the winter months, summer I use my "daily planner" and I carry an S&W M&P .40.
    Sharp is also correct about waiting for the custom guys......the best of the best custom razors can equal the wait for a custom holster. I think Glen will have some good ideas when he sees this.

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  5. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    If you're wearing a coat or in a position to wear your shirt tail out the Beltster by Bandara Leather is my default ccw method. Here is the website and he makes a great item IME. Carries closer to the body than a normal belt holster. I've heard real good things about the crossbreed inside the pants holsters and the Milt Sparks but haven't tried either of them.
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  6. #5
    Senior Member jimmyfingers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    If you're wearing a coat or in a position to wear your shirt tail out the Beltster by Bandara Leather is my default ccw method. Here is the website and he makes a great item IME. Carries closer to the body than a normal belt holster. I've heard real good things about the crossbreed inside the pants holsters and the Milt Sparks but haven't tried either of them.
    My friend has one of these. I always used to tease him about his gun falling out until he let me wear it for a day. I was surprised because it worked extremely well.

  7. #6
    Member p1zz4b0x's Avatar
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    I have experience with 1911 holsters from Milt Sparks, and from Kirkpatrick Leather for a CZ-75. I find the fit and finish of the Milt Sparks (Summer Special, Heritage) to be superior, but the order queue is outrageous at the moment, unlike 7+ years ago when I ordered. The Kirkpatrick is the Hidden Defense, which moves around less on a belt due to the wide footprint of the belt loops. Fit and finish on the Kirkpatrick, while not as good as the Milt Sparks, is still very acceptable, and can be had in about two months. If I could get anything from either of the two makers, my preference would be with Milt Sparks, either a Summer Special or Versa Max style. When it comes to carrying a full size pistol like a 1911 or CZ-75 a good belt is also an important consideration.

  8. #7
    Antisocialite HarleyFXST's Avatar
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    If you decide to go the custom route, you really need to talk to Eric over at HBE Leatherworks.

    H.B.E. Specialty LeatherWorks

  9. #8
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    I use the Versa Max II. Good holsters are pricey. Don't forget a good belt too.

  10. #9
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    I've used Kramer leather since 1988. Most of the time a 1911 in a IWB#2.

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  11. #10
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    I had two or three 1911 holsters, The best? probably a Bianchi (can't remember the model) which was secure, unobtrusive and nice to draw from. I did try a Yaqui slide (can't remember the brand) for a while, which was OK but never felt quite right. Price-Western in the UK used to make a couple of decent 1911 holsters as well.
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