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Thread: Fountain Pens?

  1. #231
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    Quote Originally Posted by basil View Post
    So my wife is pretty sneaky. She was paying attention to what pen I was eyeing the other day and went back today and got it for me as a surprise.

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    sounds like you got owned!

  2. #232
    Senior Member Crotalus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by basil View Post
    So my wife is pretty sneaky. She was paying attention to what pen I was eyeing the other day and went back today and got it for me as a surprise.

    Picks to follow soon.
    She sounds like a keeper.

  3. #233
    Senior Member basil's Avatar
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    Name:  ImageUploadedByTapatalk1335323869.964269.jpg
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    Pics of the two pens.

    On the left is my pen. A montblanc classic pen in xf. I'm not sure which model number it is.

    On the right is my wife's. Montblanc Mozart special edition. It's a tiny pen but a perfect size for her.
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  4. #234
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    Very nice

    So What inks you getting for them

  5. #235
    Senior Member basil's Avatar
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    Her pen only takes the cartridges and we got lavender purple.

    Mine takes converter and cartridge but for now I got a box of royal blue.

    Both are montblanc inks. I'm not so sure if my collection of noodlers inks will do well in them.
    Anyone here use noodlers in their montblancs?
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  6. #236
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    I've taken to using cartridges for my pens. I am in college, and if for some reason I run out of ink, it is nice to be able to pop a new cartridge in and go. I have been considering a converter though for my pens
    Is there anyone who has used a their pen on a daily basis that uses a converter? and if so, how do you like it, would it be better to have the convenience of a cartridge for school and note taking?

  7. #237
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    While I do not have a MB pen I have followed numberous threads about ink safty in pens. 99% of needlers inks are fine with these pens, big ugly debate rage about the BayState line of inks though...

    FPN has TONS of info about all kinds of stuff related to fountain pens...

  8. #238
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    Well I have an Ohto Rook and a couple Platinum Preppies (med & fine) on their way to play with!

  9. #239
    the suited and booted hick Devilpup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazyengineer View Post
    I've taken to using cartridges for my pens. I am in college, and if for some reason I run out of ink, it is nice to be able to pop a new cartridge in and go. I have been considering a converter though for my pens
    Is there anyone who has used a their pen on a daily basis that uses a converter? and if so, how do you like it, would it be better to have the convenience of a cartridge for school and note taking?
    I'm also in college and use a Noodlers that is converter and have never had a problem. You just get in the habit of filling it every day or two, or check it every time before you leave.

  10. #240
    Easily distracted by sharp objects alb1981's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazyengineer View Post
    I've taken to using cartridges for my pens. I am in college, and if for some reason I run out of ink, it is nice to be able to pop a new cartridge in and go. I have been considering a converter though for my pens
    Is there anyone who has used a their pen on a daily basis that uses a converter? and if so, how do you like it, would it be better to have the convenience of a cartridge for school and note taking?
    I started with cartridges and they were very convenient, but when I got my Lamy I went with the converter. I do use it daily and get about 3 days of hard writing out of a fill. The only problem I have had with the converter is sucking up air bubbles. Thankfully my Lamy has a see through converter so I can empty the chamber and fill to my liking.

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