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Thread: Fountain Pens?

  1. #271
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by niftyshaving View Post
    Wow... fountain pens.

    First question -- what was the one you tried and liked?

    My favorite are the Pelikan, Pilot, Sailor and Namiki.
    The Parker Sonnet has a fine nib and is well considered.
    The Pilot vanishing point is a prize!

    Add this site to your web search.

    Shop Fine Pens, Pen Refills, Business Gifts, Corporate Gifts | Thank you for stopping by! | Colorado Pen Direct |

    Most have piston converters so the sky is the limit for the
    choice of inks.

    A fun pen is the big Lamy Safari especially for the price.

    A good pen deserves good paper.
    And you thought PAD was paper.

    Do not ignore pen nibs for the old
    dip pen if you have a desk.
    i have a safari, as a lefty i was intrigued by the left hand nib that they offer, I do like the pen but not the nib so much, in saying that it is the pen i use everyday at work, I also have several Jinhao's which are nice but the lids tend to fall off. i also have a couple of parkers, and while aesthetically i like them and they are very reliable i find them a little bit skinny for my grip.
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

  2. #272
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mvcrash View Post
    Very nice pen indeed. I am not able to use one since I am a lefty and my hand drags across the ink. My Dad has a collection of antique ink pens he has had since he was a kid.

    Enjoy your new Pen.
    I am a lefty too and write successfully with a fountain pen, it just needs a little practice.
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

  3. #273
    32t is offline
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    One of many projects. This is only 5/8 of the junk I got out of it. It is getting late and I think that I will soak it for another night. I have a fork in the glass on the kitchen counter to warn my wife not to poor it down the drain!

    No name pen but has a 14k nib. When I took it apart I can't see plated.

    I told Carl he is getting a letter if I get it going!

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