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Thread: How many people CCW here?

  1. #991
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    No not believe in CCW,Think it is a bad thing.
    Pack an old SS S&W wheelgun in my Tackle box when fishing,100 percent legal Even in Calif.
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  2. #992
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    FYI Mr. Pixel,,,, carrying a firearm around in your tackle box,,, is CCW,,,,

  3. #993
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    "Mr. Officer, I'm not carrying it, my tacklebox is."
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  4. #994
    RJD is offline
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    Yep, yep, I do believe that is still considered a form of concealed carry in the eyes of the law.
    I do believe you are G2G while its in your trunk, or bed of truck, while driving to your favorite fishing grounds, but once you pick it up and start carrying it, it's concidered concealed. Not much difference than if it were in a fanny pack, backpack, or some other kind of "man purse".
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  5. #995
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    OP was mentioning cheap is why I listed the Taurus. I do have to say their customer service is awesome as I had to send my Judge off to them and they not only fixed it (battery issue), but worked over the trigger too.

    For Christmas I bought my wife a S&W hammer-less 38special in the "airweight" version (I have the full stainless version) for $400 NIB. It's 14.5 oz empty.

    I plan to find a good S&W dao gunsmith though, the trigger is really heavy and rough compared to mine. SHe loves it though & that's all that matters as her Glock 26 is just getting too hard for her to rack the slide with her arthritis/carpul tunnel. Shooting 95GR hollow points, the recoil isn't any different than the glock 26 with quality self defense ammo.
    GrimClippers likes this.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  6. #996
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    FYI Mr. Pixel,,,, carrying a firearm around in your tackle box,,, is CCW,,,,
    No John,when I am out fishing in my 30 yr old 12 ft Valco with its 30 yr old Evenrude Moter (boats name is the Gonorrhea Maru)
    My tackle box is open,no CCW
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  7. #997
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    Dry fire the S&W revolver a lot; my 686+ was heavy and gritty until I dry fired and real fired the heck out of it, smoothed out very nicely! There are also companies that make reduced power rebound slide springs and whole trigger/mainspring kits to reduce/clean up the trigger pull.

    I picked up a S&W 327 PC 2", 2.5" 386 PD (Both titanium cylinder, scandium frames). The 327 got a new SS cylinder because the previous owner had flame cut the front of the Ti cylinder and the 386 is still at S&W. The Ti cylinder is defective and the brass is extremely difficult to remove after firing, will most likely get a new SS cylinder for it. The 386PD was 18oz with the Titanium is OK with 38 Special +P and brutal with the Ahrends grips with anything more. I put the rubber grip that covers the backstrap from my 686+ 3" steel gun from this past Spring onto it, much better now! The 327 isn't bad at all with 125gr .357 magnum Golden Sabers or the Speer Gold Dot 135 Sort Barrel .357's or other mid level .357's. Full magnums it's a handful! The 327 had some light strike issues as well, but those seem to be fixed now and is in my CCW rotation.

    Also picked up a new 9mm Shield this week for smaller CCW piece when I am not packing a 1911 or .357 revolver (L frame or N Frame)
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  8. #998
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    I've heard a lot of good about S&W automatics, but I can't get past the bad taste they put in my mouth years ago with the 39 & 59 (i think) series of pistols. I could throw a rock more accurately than those models & at that time S&W customer service was lacking to say the least. This Shield has a lot of guys talking, maybe Smith got it right this time...
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  9. #999
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    No John,when I am out fishing in my 30 yr old 12 ft Valco with its 30 yr old Evenrude Moter (boats name is the Gonorrhea Maru)
    My tackle box is open,no CCW
    I'm guessing the gun is not for protecting the boat.
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  10. #1000
    Senior Member GrimClippers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter74743 View Post
    OP was mentioning cheap is why I listed the Taurus. I do have to say their customer service is awesome as I had to send my Judge off to them and they not only fixed it (battery issue), but worked over the trigger too.

    For Christmas I bought my wife a S&W hammer-less 38special in the "airweight" version (I have the full stainless version) for $400 NIB. It's 14.5 oz empty.

    I plan to find a good S&W dao gunsmith though, the trigger is really heavy and rough compared to mine. SHe loves it though & that's all that matters as her Glock 26 is just getting too hard for her to rack the slide with her arthritis/carpul tunnel. Shooting 95GR hollow points, the recoil isn't any different than the glock 26 with quality self defense ammo.

    I ended up suggesting to him either the Taurus revolver or a good used smith. I sent him to the right place for either. I'll be sure to check timing and alignment on it. Thanks for the help everyone
    ScottGoodman likes this.

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