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Thread: How many people CCW here?

  1. #491
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzley1 View Post
    Even though this is still off-topic, I wonder if the antis on this thread realize just how much safer they are because of us. People wishing to do others harm have to think twice because there are people like us. Just my two cents.
    Unless your violent crime rates were significantly lower than ours or Canada's, your gun ownership does nothing for public safety.

    Granted, this is only homicide, but still.
    Belgium scores much better than the US, and CCW does not exist here for regular civilians. In fact, gun ownership is strongly discouraged. It is a hassle to get all the paperwork done, a hassle to recertify annually, and if you use it against anyone not directly threatening you with deadly violence, you're in a heap of trouble.

    And yet we fail to be overrun by violent criminals.

    I am not arguing for or against gun ownership btw, but what gun ownership does for a society is much more complex than what you imply it to be, and the results are not straightforward as is shown by e.g. the difference in murder rates.
    Last edited by Bruno; 11-29-2012 at 08:18 AM.
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  2. #492
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    so what guns do you carry bruno? what is your CCW??

    Please keep this on topic...
    "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."

  3. #493
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajorSights View Post
    My wife and I would, if we could... Stupid Canadian laws.
    The laws do suck and I'm sorry for it in canada. I remember a time hunting and carrying there without problem.
    "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."

  4. #494
    Senior Member WillN's Avatar
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    OK. Back on topic. I have read this thread and was not going to reply at all, but to help get it back where it should go:

    I almost always carry and do so concealed and I have for many years and what I carry does depend on what I am wearing.

    If my shirt tail is out, I am wearing a jacket or something to cover my side I prefer my Kimber Pro Crimson Carry II in a Fobus paddle holster. That holster is very comfortable and keeps that 1911 very close to my side. If I need something smaller to fit into my pocket say in my insulated vest I will carry a Beretta 21A in 22 LR. And, sometimes I will still carry my ever faithful .38 snubnose in an iwb holster and this one was my primary carry for a long time. I don't really like iwb holsters any more since I had a few inches of colon taken out a few years ago. They just aren't comfortable to me anymore. Nowadays that .38 resides in my car console while I am on the road and it's twin resides with SWMBO!! Now we know one more reason why she MBO! Just kidding she is a real sweetheart, I just couldn't resist.

    Will N.
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  5. #495
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Does anyone have any experience with a Kimber Ultra CDP II? About to "pull the trigger" on one, but wanted to check here with my buds last minute...planning on a Christmas present to myself. Reviews rave about them. I've handled a "ultra", but not a CPD. Just hoping for someone to chime in...
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    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  6. #496
    Senior Member Furcifer's Avatar
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    It's all about options and versatility. "Concealed" can mean on your person or in a vehicle, and the fun part is that there's no limit to how many you can have concealed at any given time... So, here's a Kimber Ultra Cover II .45 ACP in a Crossbreed, a belt slide and another IWB, Also an FEG PMK .380 and a Kel-Tec P3AT .380 for backups. Then there's a Ruger P89DC 9mm, a S&W 686 .357 with Crimson Trace Lasergrips and a Taurus .44 Magnum. Some agree and some don't, but either way, I will win in the end.

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  7. #497
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter74743 View Post
    Does anyone have any experience with a Kimber Ultra CDP II? About to "pull the trigger" on one, but wanted to check here with my buds last minute...planning on a Christmas present to myself. Reviews rave about them. I've handled a "ultra", but not a CPD. Just hoping for someone to chime in...
    Fantastic weapon. carries well and accurate. YMMV but the only PIA with a kimber is the take down pin on some of them. I am not sure if the ultra cdp has that or not but it would never stop me from buying one.

    "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."

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  9. #498
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    Forgot that I added the Ruger LCP with a crimson trace laser a few months ago. Love it! Had an initial issue on first magazine but none since. 102gr hollow points and it is a excellent second carry back up. Plus i found 10 round mags for it!!

    Also bought a few crossbreed style holsters off ebay for glock 26 and the 1911 style 45's. if you haven't tried these you are missing out. Give them a shot, if you don't like em, I'll buy em off ya! Fixin to get one for my FNP 45!
    Last edited by Str8Shooter; 11-29-2012 at 09:21 PM.
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    "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."

  10. #499
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    I'm about one benjamin short right now, but should be ok as soon as I move my Judge
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    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  11. #500
    Senior Member Furcifer's Avatar
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    Yeah, a HUGE +1 for Crossbreed holsters! IMAGINE CARRYING WHAT YOU REALLY LIKE TO SHOOT, and doing it comfortably and effectively, with the fastest presentation possible! Turned my .45 into an EDC. The mouse guns are backups now.
    Str8Shooter likes this.

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