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Thread: How many people CCW here?

  1. #971
    101 Red Injun KingHooper's Avatar
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    Galco S.O.B. Colt Commander Elite works perfect for CCW. The car has right hand center console holster works very well.
    It's a beautiful day somewhere I hope!

  2. #972
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    I have a genuine question: why do you carry?

    I'm from Sweden, and it's illegal to carry a weapon here, unless you're a police officer, etc. It might be because of this, but the thought of actually carrying a gun when I'm out and going about feels extremely foreign, and, I don't know, unnessecary? I'm not out to say it's wrong or anything! I'm just interested in the motives behind carrying a gun.

    Is it because you feel there's a serious threat against you? Do you live in a bad neighbourhood? Is it because it feels nice/manly/whatever? Are you an enthusiast/collector, and just like I like to shave everyday - even though I don't really have to - you want to "use" your guns, because of your interest? Is there another motive alltogether?

    Thank you!

  3. #973
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    There are many reasons we carry. Some people have had problems in the past, some carry large deposits from business some just like to there are as many reasons as there are people who carry . Personally I feel it's my responsibility. If necessary I am willing to do what I must to defend myself, family, friends and even a perfect stranger. I have been carried so long I feel naked without it. I carry almost all the time (even at home). 30 years of carrying and I have never needed it, I hope for 30 more. Regardless I will carry until I die

  4. #974
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flatire67 View Post
    There are many reasons we carry. Some people have had problems in the past, some carry large deposits from business some just like to there are as many reasons as there are people who carry . Personally I feel it's my responsibility. If necessary I am willing to do what I must to defend myself, family, friends and even a perfect stranger. I have been carried so long I feel naked without it. I carry almost all the time (even at home). 30 years of carrying and I have never needed it, I hope for 30 more. Regardless I will carry until I die
    I understand everyone has their own reasons. That's what's interesting. And thank you for your answer. It seems like a fair enough reasoning.

  5. #975
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    I can only speak for myself here. I started to carry for two reasons. In 1988 I was returning from work threw the city of Tacoma Wa. We were stuck at a stop light and on opposite sides of the street, two separate groups of people were screaming back and forth. Just as the light turned green, there was a loud bang and a thump on our van. We continued on our way happy to be done with our day. It was when we arrived at the van pool and I went to get my lunch box that I noticed a nice hole in the door and seat from where a bullet passed threw. I am still thankful no one was in the back seat that night. fast foreword a year, While returning after work to my hotel just south of down town Seattle, my car was approached by what I assumed were hooker. I wouldn't roll down my windows or talk to them. Without warning, some guy came up to the door and tried to yank it open while flashing the gun he had under his coat.

    I also like to spend my extra time outdoors Hiking, Hunting and Fishing. One of my favorite spots happens to be in the North Cascades. On an outing in the late 80's, we were on a trail when we heard a bunch of yelling. When we got to where all the commotion, we seen that a man and his wife we between a Sow bear and her cubs. I think the cubs were trying to get to their mother but were afraid of the couple and in turn moma bear was trying to get to her cubs. We were able to get above the bears and we able to scare her away but what if we hadn't come along? So I purchased the biggest handgun I could afford. A few years later while transporting my firearm, an officer happened to notice I had it in my back seat in a case. He explained that for my best interest I should get a cc lic. and by that time I had a child on the way. It just made sense for me to have it.

    As far as how it feels, physically I really don't notice that I have it. I really do not think it makes me feel more manly and I pity any man that it did. I see it as a tool that I would use if I needed it.

    I also like the comradery that shooting sports brings. I am not sure if they have Airsoft guns in Sweden, but if they do I would urge to to purchase one. They are just a spring loaded gun that fires a plastic BB. They seem to be safe enough to use even indoors and often they come with a target. After you get one, invite your friends over and watch what happens, Before you know it you will be laughing and trying to out do each other.

  6. #976
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotishcavalir View Post
    I can only speak for myself here. I started to carry for two reasons. In 1988 I was returning from work threw the city of Tacoma Wa. We were stuck at a stop light and on opposite sides of the street, two separate groups of people were screaming back and forth. Just as the light turned green, there was a loud bang and a thump on our van. We continued on our way happy to be done with our day. It was when we arrived at the van pool and I went to get my lunch box that I noticed a nice hole in the door and seat from where a bullet passed threw. I am still thankful no one was in the back seat that night. fast foreword a year, While returning after work to my hotel just south of down town Seattle, my car was approached by what I assumed were hooker. I wouldn't roll down my windows or talk to them. Without warning, some guy came up to the door and tried to yank it open while flashing the gun he had under his coat.

    I also like to spend my extra time outdoors Hiking, Hunting and Fishing. One of my favorite spots happens to be in the North Cascades. On an outing in the late 80's, we were on a trail when we heard a bunch of yelling. When we got to where all the commotion, we seen that a man and his wife we between a Sow bear and her cubs. I think the cubs were trying to get to their mother but were afraid of the couple and in turn moma bear was trying to get to her cubs. We were able to get above the bears and we able to scare her away but what if we hadn't come along? So I purchased the biggest handgun I could afford. A few years later while transporting my firearm, an officer happened to notice I had it in my back seat in a case. He explained that for my best interest I should get a cc lic. and by that time I had a child on the way. It just made sense for me to have it.

    As far as how it feels, physically I really don't notice that I have it. I really do not think it makes me feel more manly and I pity any man that it did. I see it as a tool that I would use if I needed it.

    I also like the comradery that shooting sports brings. I am not sure if they have Airsoft guns in Sweden, but if they do I would urge to to purchase one. They are just a spring loaded gun that fires a plastic BB. They seem to be safe enough to use even indoors and often they come with a target. After you get one, invite your friends over and watch what happens, Before you know it you will be laughing and trying to out do each other.
    Wow, ok. That sounds really scary! I can understand wanting protection (no matter if in the city or in the wilderness).

    I shot some skeet a couple of years ago, and I can agree that it's a great comradery. I haven't tried Airsoft guns (I've heard of them, though). I'll check around to see if I can find a retailer!

    I got 2 hours on a shooting range from my brother when I turned 21 a couple of years ago, and we shot a Walter PPK, a Glock 19, a Colt 1911, a Magnum .357 and a Magnum .44 as well as an old Tommy Gun. It was a lot of fun, and I've been thinking about trying shooting sports since then. The 1911 had a great feel to it. Not as "snappy" as the Glock. It felt more confident, both from just holding it and when shooting it. As if it never would let you down. Great feeling!

    But ok, enough of derailing of this thread. Thanks again.
    EMC45 and ScottGoodman like this.

  7. #977
    Senior Member GrimClippers's Avatar
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    Better late than never I've got the pictures of the Garrett industries silent thunder slim. The longer I wear it and the closer I look the more I like. Its comfy, high quality, secure, exact fit, Name:  IMG_0698.JPG
Views: 145
Size:  37.4 KBand silky smooth drawName:  IMG_0697.JPG
Views: 150
Size:  43.3 KBName:  IMG_0696.JPG
Views: 163
Size:  75.4 KBName:  IMG_0696.JPG
Views: 163
Size:  75.4 KBwith the ruger sr1911c Name:  IMG_0695.JPG
Views: 149
Size:  68.5 KB
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  8. #978
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bergstedt View Post
    But ok, enough of derailing of this thread. Thanks again.
    Your genuine interest is appreciated actually, you were not offensive in any way. Every country has it's quirks, here in the U.S.A. one of our quirks is that most of the countrymen have a firearm in their home at a minimum and the concealed carry people are growing leaps and bounds. It's like a insurance policy, you never need it until "something" happens. Only the other day I used my concealed carry weapon to dispatch a skunk that had gotten into my chain link fenced yard. It would have taken me minutes to have gone into the house and to have entered the safe & return to dispatch it...all I had to do was draw and it was quickly dispatched before it could have sprayed or worse have bitten my German Shepherds (worried about rabies even though they are vaccinated).'s much cheaper and lighter than carrying a police officer in your pocket!
    EMC45, Hirlau and GrimClippers like this.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  9. #979
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    I carry because after 32 years of shooting/reloading/gun wrenching/11 years Military service I feel confident in my skill level and abilities to handle myself as a professional and take care of what needs taking care of. Also I never want to cower in a corner repeating over and over again "I wish I had my gun". I have sent 10s of thousands of rounds down range in training, recreation and qualification and rest assured it was not in vain.
    Hirlau and wrxguyusa like this.

  10. #980
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter74743 View Post
    Your genuine interest is appreciated actually, you were not offensive in any way. Every country has it's quirks, here in the U.S.A. one of our quirks is that most of the countrymen have a firearm in their home at a minimum and the concealed carry people are growing leaps and bounds. It's like a insurance policy, you never need it until "something" happens. Only the other day I used my concealed carry weapon to dispatch a skunk that had gotten into my chain link fenced yard. It would have taken me minutes to have gone into the house and to have entered the safe & return to dispatch it...all I had to do was draw and it was quickly dispatched before it could have sprayed or worse have bitten my German Shepherds (worried about rabies even though they are vaccinated).'s much cheaper and lighter than carrying a police officer in your pocket!
    This is actually an excellent answer. Thank you. I felt it as if I would come off as offensive, since I know that lots of people in Sweden have a hard time understanding the need/want to carry a gun.

    And haha. That sounds like a good use for it. We don't have a problem with skunks, or hardly any animals at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by EMC45 View Post
    I carry because after 32 years of shooting/reloading/gun wrenching/11 years Military service I feel confident in my skill level and abilities to handle myself as a professional and take care of what needs taking care of. Also I never want to cower in a corner repeating over and over again "I wish I had my gun". I have sent 10s of thousands of rounds down range in training, recreation and qualification and rest assured it was not in vain.
    That sounds fair enough. People need to take their own responsibility and stand up for our fellow people in cases of emergency. I don't know if a gun is the necessary answer, but if it is one answer that works I can see its use.
    ScottGoodman likes this.

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