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Thread: How many people CCW here?

  1. #901
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jakobs View Post
    So would it be safe to say that you guys have felt threatened to the point that you feel the need to carry?
    I'm really just curious - I've never been in a situation where I've felt that my life was in danger so this is probably why i've never had a hankering for a gun (or for that matter, a weapon of any sort)
    No, I can't say I've really felt threatened although I may have felt uncomfortable a time or two. It is sort of like car or home owners insurance, you have it just in case..........................stuff happens!

    You do have car and/or homeowners insurance don't you? One doesn't plan to have a car accident or a home catch on fire.


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  3. #902
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jakobs View Post
    So would it be safe to say that you guys have felt threatened to the point that you feel the need to carry?
    I'm really just curious - I've never been in a situation where I've felt that my life was in danger so this is probably why i've never had a hankering for a gun (or for that matter, a weapon of any sort)
    You are truly a blessed person to have never been threatened.

    There is getting to be more and more "bad" people here in the US, not just in one particular state. I can't speak for outside of the US. Bad guys are getting more and more bold, I had a sticky situation when I was armed to the teeth happen at the gunrange...but I was alone other than those 4. I've had two bad situations happen when traveling outside of my state on vacation. Times have truly changed in the past 20 years for sure. I pray that I never have to pull the trigger in self defense, but I will if my or my family's live is in imminent danger.

    As far as stocking ammo, those opinions vary. I have no problem with stocking long as you stay proficient with your weapons. This requires shooting. I have slowed down on my rangetime, but I make the best of it when I go...which I try to at least monthly.
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  5. #903
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Every year there are more people in the world and that means the chances that some of the will be criminals are very good. It's also every persons responsibility to protect themselves and there families. Remember that for the most part the police can only investigate the crime not prevent it. I'm not putting the police down but it's a fact. they can't be every where all the time. the police needs not only our support but also our respect . they have a very difficult job. My wife and myself carry. we have taken classes in defense and try to stay efficient with our firearms. I wish all law abiding people did the same.

  6. #904
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    I am a card carrying memeber.

  7. #905
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    No I do not fell threatened , that's why I carry , I got my wife to take the course and she carries too. When she works in Memphis at the downtown hospitals I think it's prudent , there isn't 1 cop for every bad guy so it's your responsibility to protect your own , and besides why not , it's your weapon you should carry it ,, it might get lonely in the gun safe at home. Tc
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  8. #906
    Senior Member grizli's Avatar
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    As I mentioned before, I currently carry the cz sp-01 shadow as my daily carry, which is a pretty big frame. I'm considering getting a smaller, more concealable gun, for pocket, ankle, or iwb conceal, with 3 caveats: I'm left handed, I generally dislike the balance of polymer framed guns (and am willing to pay the weight penalty) , and would prefer keeping it at least 9x19. I'm currently pretty set on cz 2075 (RAMI), and would appreciate if someone who has experience with it (for better or worse) could share the experience. Thank you

    Edit: it's not replacing, it's adding to the arsenal. The shadow is also my ipsc competition gun...

  9. #907
    MJB is offline
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    I don't carry per se, but I'm rarely out of arms reach of a piece.

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  11. #908
    Senior Member DennisBarberShop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    Because I go to the range a lot so I can be a competent shooter.
    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    Is a guy thing,If you have actually shot and Killed a human,your attitude about packing will quickly change.

    It isnt a guy thing, my wife carries as well.

    Let me break this down so I can understand.

    "If you have actually shot and killed a human" assuming your life was threatened which caused you to react to protect yourself.

    "Your attitude about packing will quickly change" I assume you mean you'd lose the desire to carry a firearm? If so...why would you want to quit carrying a weapon when you know it prevented harm to you or your family by taking the life of a man/woman who must have put your life in jeopardy?

    You have taken a life I assume based on your statement? I just want to understand where this statement is coming from.

    If I wreck my car I dont drop the insurance policy, I get a new car and continue my insurance coverage because the threat of wrecking is still there. I may be rattled mentally over the wreck, but I continue driving with caution.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jakobs View Post
    Firstly, no judgement here.

    That said, I was reading through this thread, and I still can't figure out why anyone would actually want to carry a gun. It's completely foreign to me. But then again, I'm Canadian. (don't shoot me)
    Guns are for extreme circumstances when your life is being threatened and there is no other option. As a barber who deals with a cash business there is always a very real threat of being held up by a criminal, all of the barbers I have ever worked with carry guns. 2 years ago a barber I know in Kentucky (the state i live and work in) was robbed at knife point and beaten to the point of being in critical condition and hospitalized in intensive care, had he been carrying a gun he possibly could have prevented this.

    Just a few weeks ago the local news was showing a segment on a home invasion where 2 armed men broke into the home of an elderly married couple and the husband armed with a shotgun shot one man and the other criminal fled the scene.

    This is why, regardless of what people want to think, there are real enemies out there, not because we want them. We dont carry guns planning to kill, hoping to kill, or anything even similar to this. We carry guns to stop people from harming us, or others around us if need be.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jakobs View Post
    So would it be safe to say that you guys have felt threatened to the point that you feel the need to carry?
    I'm really just curious - I've never been in a situation where I've felt that my life was in danger so this is probably why i've never had a hankering for a gun (or for that matter, a weapon of any sort)
    I have never personally been threatened and hope I never am, but why would I want to wait till I have felt threatened enough to need to carry.

    Like stated before, its to insure the safety of family and self.

    You dont buy insurance expecting a wreck, you buy it just in case something happens, and hope that you never have to use it. If you wait till you have a wreck to buy the insurance then it is too late, right?

  12. #909
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Gentleman, why we carry has been explained well enough. Perhaps that is a topic for another thread. This is a Show & Tell thread on What We Carry.

    Let's get back on topic. Any further posts relating to philosophical thoughts on CCW will be deleted.

    Thanks in advance for your cooperation and understanding.
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  14. #910
    Senior Member GrimClippers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grizli View Post
    As I mentioned before, I currently carry the cz sp-01 shadow as my daily carry, which is a pretty big frame. I'm considering getting a smaller, more concealable gun, for pocket, ankle, or iwb conceal, with 3 caveats: I'm left handed, I generally dislike the balance of polymer framed guns (and am willing to pay the weight penalty) , and would prefer keeping it at least 9x19. I'm currently pretty set on cz 2075 (RAMI), and would appreciate if someone who has experience with it (for better or worse) could share the experience. Thank you

    Edit: it's not replacing, it's adding to the arsenal. The shadow is also my ipsc competition gun...
    I've shot the RAMI and it was very good for its size, though overall I prefer the 75 Compact because of the size to benefit it better IMHO. I think the RAMI may be a bit big for an ankle or pocket. If thats how you plan to primarily carry I'd check out the Kahr MK9 or the SIG p938.

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