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Thread: Target Shooting

  1. #61
    Member RFP357's Avatar
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    This past Wednesday I went to the range with a buddy of mine. I finally got to sight in my S&W 686P. It was waaaay off but I managed to dial it in to the point where I only needed the orange bulls-eye sticker to cover the holes in my shoot n see targets. I love that Smith...
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  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wullie View Post
    Never tried a "Texas Star".

    I do recall one intersting afternoon, when I shot a rattler from horseback with a 38-40 Colt SAA. About the time I torched off on the damn snake, I remembered that I wasn't riding "my' horse. Just so happens that bronc I was riding took strong objection to that pistol going off three feet from his right ear. I got two shots off and hit the snake in the middle of the first jump as the rodeo commenced. I doubt I'd have won any points for style but we survived.

    I had my hands full trying not to get my ass dumped in the vicinity of a half shot snake and trying to hang on the my pistol. My pard said it was quite a show. I wish I could have seen it rather than been it.

    Does that count?
    I did something similar years ago on Marron Station in Western Australia, took a crack at a goat with a Remington .44 cap and ball, and suddenly had a bout 4 inches of whither in front of me as my hoss hit the deck on her head, put in 4 huge straight ahead bucks, I smacked myself in the gob with my revolver, but stayed aboard the hurricane deck of my cayuse, luckily I was well screwed down in my old Schneider polley {mick mouse thigh knee pads and 4 inch cantle} would not have like to have ridden that one out in my slick fork !! I was happy she bucked as we were in fairly heavy mulga and a bolt would not have been a good thing>> Nice to see we are just as mad both sides of the pond, Iam over 50 and should know better !!


    Keep yo hoss well shod an yo powdah dry !

  3. #63
    Thread derailment specialist. Wullie's Avatar
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    Stuff like that kind of breaks up the monotony don't it?

    I love old C&B six shooters too.

    I just happened to be riding my dad's old saddle that day. It had a "little wonder" tree. WE called 'em mouse traps or widow makers. They were great to stay in and rough to get loose from in a hurry.

    Never rode any of the gear you lads use. Always thought I'd like to but never had a chance. From what I can see it works just as good as what we derived from the Spaniards.

    I have got one of those stock whips you boyos use. Heck of a lot easier to run than the big old "bull snake" whips over here.


  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wintchase View Post
    Very nice! Feels good to make'em touch doesn't it?
    Slightly off topic but...Here is how I was doing today. 20 yds. If I could only do this 12 times in a row!

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  5. #65
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    Looks like it's time to switch to five spots, Tim.
    Groups like that get expensive!

    Nice shooting!

    Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

  6. #66
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    Wish I could just pull a bow! My tore up shoulders won't even allow me to pull 30lbs! To much ligament dmage... To bad, cause I think I would enjoy bow hunting..

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wintchase View Post
    Wish I could just pull a bow! My tore up shoulders won't even allow me to pull 30lbs! To much ligament dmage... To bad, cause I think I would enjoy bow hunting..
    Same here. It hurts to start my lawn mower. Maybe I ought to build a kick starter for it. One fo the reasons I quit driving big rigs was that it hurt to swap cogs. Arthritis in my wrists and shoulders takes the fun out of a lot of things these days.

    That is some fine shooting with that bow.

  8. #68
    the suited and booted hick Devilpup's Avatar
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    After a horrible first practice with a new rifle ( the old one the firing pin was only striking half the time and the first practice someone had filed down the front sight post and I couldn't actual see the tip) I decided go try my hand with a circular front sight aperture. My prone score went down slightly but my standing has improved enough to offset it. I leave for the Colorado drill meet the thursday before Easter.
    No that pistol isn't the only thing under my kilt, but I can tell you both of them work just fine

  9. #69
    32t is offline
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    Thanks, here is the end that started my shooting the single spot this week. It was my last end on Thursday night. I was so mad that I thought on the last end I would try to Robin Hood an arrow. You can see on the adjacent spots how I was all over the place. My best end for the night. I am going to try the single for leagues this week. I still have 11 left from my new dozen and need a few more nocks!

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  10. #70
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    Slightly off topic but...Here is how I was doing today. 20 yds. If I could only do this 12 times in a row!

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    must be getting boring shooting groups like that, now pick up a longbow and impress us ;-);-)

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