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Thread: Any Golfers Here??

  1. #31
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    What's a hybrid iron? I used to have a brassie and a 13-wood, and I can hit a decent shot with my cleek (when I play) and I've played with a Texas wedge, but I've never seen or used a hybrid iron

    I played for about five years I guess, in high school and the year after, but since then I have pretty much become restricted to playing golf in my living room with an invisible club, ball, and golf course due to money and time constraints. It's not as rewarding but I've at least erased my handicap I never averaged better than the low to mid 80s even when I played a lot

    Still, I love to play when I get the rare chance. There's something about golf that keeps me wanting to go back for more
    Not positive but the hybreds I think have to be plugged into an electrical outlet after each round.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    What's a hybrid iron? I used to have a brassie and a 13-wood, and I can hit a decent shot with my cleek (when I play) and I've played with a Texas wedge, but I've never seen or used a hybrid iron
    I've played these for a few years.
    I'm not the biggest fan of the regular hybrids, the looks on them doesn't sit well with me.
    No arguing their usefulness though, but for me the Titleist hybrid irons are a nice compromise.
    They look very much like an iron at address, but still performs pretty much like a hybrid/wood.
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  3. #33
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    Cart Girls?

    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    There's something about golf that keeps me wanting to go back for more

  4. #34
    ace is offline
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    Anyone else playing with the new Foo King Long golf balls?

  5. #35
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Birnando View Post
    I've played these for a few years.
    I'm not the biggest fan of the regular hybrids, the looks on them doesn't sit well with me.
    No arguing their usefulness though, but for me the Titleist hybrid irons are a nice compromise.
    They look very much like an iron at address, but still performs pretty much like a hybrid/wood.
    I've seen something that looked a lot like that - I think it was called a driving iron

    Here's a picture of a driving woods

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    Slartibartfast, yes that could be what keeps lots of guys going back for more. Personally I think the reason I go back is just to remind myself that I have no game. But what you said reminds me I was going to recommend this book to you before you went and got married and had kids:

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  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    What's a hybrid iron? I used to have a brassie and a 13-wood, and I can hit a decent shot with my cleek (when I play) and I've played with a Texas wedge, but I've never seen or used a hybrid iron

    I played for about five years I guess, in high school and the year after, but since then I have pretty much become restricted to playing golf in my living room with an invisible club, ball, and golf course due to money and time constraints. It's not as rewarding but I've at least erased my handicap I never averaged better than the low to mid 80s even when I played a lot

    Still, I love to play when I get the rare chance. There's something about golf that keeps me wanting to go back for more
    Hybrid irons are an iron that looks like a small fairway wood. Almost like a mini driver for the fairway. My only hybrid's are the 3, 4, 5, 6 irons, (The ''distance'' irons). The 7 and up cannot be hybrid's because they're meant for loft.

  7. #37
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    Just starting to get back in the game. A couple of years ago I broke my neck and then shoulder surgery and I havent been able to really swing a club. Got tired of waiting for it all to get better so I went out and bought me some clubs and am ready to play. Played alot before the injuries and hope I can pick my swing back up.

  8. #38
    Senior Member Moosiker's Avatar
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    I play a set of Nike Ignite irons, a handmade 1 iron, and a stiff shaft Sasquatch Driver. Haven't played in a while...maybe Lynn should come back down to Atlanta

  9. #39
    Senior Member ThePhill's Avatar
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    Just realized I never shared this. It's an absolute cannon. The head itself weighs in at about 207 grams or around 7-9 grams more then most driver heads. Geek Golf No Brainer. Lofts to a true 8 degree mounted on a 2X flex House Of Forged shaft.

  10. #40
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    Really nice driver bro but heck yea I'm ready to hit the courses!

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