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Thread: Any new toys from the attic?

  1. #11
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    Am reading a great book at the moment,Sniper, the history of the American sharpshooter,covers firearms in america from columbus to the present time.
    Of note is that when the flinters began using rifled barrels (backwoodsmen) the military took note and used them as a side faction of the regular grunts.
    In Battle they would be hiding in the backround as was there Ilk and were used to take out the officers on horseback.
    Headshots of 300/400 yrds were the norm for these guys,they were used well into the 18th century,even in the civil war.
    Whippersnapper, didn't they teach you that in first grade? lol The USA used to be known as a country of marksman, before it became politically incorrect to say so.
    heelerau and ScottGoodman like this.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by heelerau View Post
    Attachment 96960 I guess am a bit low tech in the toy dept, but here is my beautiful Lancaster .40 Cal longrifle by Niel Fields of Vernal Utah, it has a 44'' swamped collerain barrel and a Jim Chambers Queen Anne style lock, and she is a real tack driver. My daughter is real handy at cleaning rabbits !!


    Ps I will be buried in a barrow in the hay paddock next to my favourite hoss and with all my toys !!
    I'm really glad you wrote this post, I'm going to show it to a friend who thought it was impossible to hunt rabbits with a slug gun, he uses a shotgun and that had me laughing for quite a while.......A 12 gauge on a rabbit...feh! I've been using a .22 my whole life.
    Oh, one more thing,since she's getting old I've got to give my avatar,Comet her props,she was one hell of a hunting dog,she still likes going, but shes getting slower...
    Last edited by Grizzley1; 05-12-2012 at 04:00 AM. Reason: giving props to the dog
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  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzley1 View Post
    Whippersnapper, didn't they teach you that in first grade? lol The USA used to be known as a country of marksman, before it became politically incorrect to say so.
    Never saw Fess parker make a head shot at 400 yards actually the swiss and germans were classed as the worlds best marksman (back in the day).

  4. #14
    the suited and booted hick Devilpup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    Am reading a great book at the moment,Sniper, the history of the American sharpshooter,covers firearms in america from columbus to the present time.
    Of note is that when the flinters began using rifled barrels (backwoodsmen) the military took note and used them as a side faction of the regular grunts.
    In Battle they would be hiding in the backround as was there Ilk and were used to take out the officers on horseback.
    Headshots of 300/400 yrds were the norm for these guys,they were used well into the 18th century,even in the civil war.
    Great book, it's one of my favorites on the subject.

  5. #15
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    Never saw Fess parker make a head shot at 400 yards actually the swiss and germans were classed as the worlds best marksman (back in the day).
    I never saw Col. Klink, or some watchmaker fan a six gun and kill eight guys with SIX rounds!!! Beat that!!!
    Actually they were good shots also,they used to hold the Creedmoor matches right here in L.I (N.Y. for you out of townees)
    And I think those were the big three to beat in those matches.
    Last edited by Grizzley1; 05-13-2012 at 04:36 AM.

  6. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzley1 View Post
    I never saw Col. Klink, or some watchmaker fan a six gun and kill eight guys with SIX rounds!!! Beat that!!!
    Actually they were good shots also,they used to hold the Creedmoor matches right here in L.I (N.Y. for you out of townees)
    And I think those were the big three to beat in those matches.
    I can beat that;
    I watched Schwarzenegger in Commando make an M60E3 with a 2 foot belt, last about 5 minutes.
    I watched the Avengers at the movies tonight with my son and Hawkeye had a quiver of about 20 arrows; killing about 50 aliens !!
    That quiver never depleted, until he fell of the building and had only 1 left!!

    In America we call that "Shot Discipline".
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  7. #17
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    I can beat that;
    I watched Schwarzenegger in Commando make an M60E3 with a 2 foot belt, last about 5 minutes.
    I watched the Avengers at the movies tonight with my son and Hawkeye had a quiver of about 20 arrows; killing about 50 aliens !!
    That quiver never depleted, until he fell of the building and had only 1 left!!

    In America we call that "Shot Discipline".
    I was in television for 25 years and "Commando" is one of the funniest movies for mistakes ever made, watch it again and you will see him blow up a building with a claymore facing the wrong way,also the Porsche he drives and wrecks goes back and forth from being wrecked to brand new again about three times,plus many more.....worst Arnold movie ever.

  8. #18
    Thread derailment specialist. Wullie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by heelerau View Post
    Attachment 96960 I guess am a bit low tech in the toy dept, but here is my beautiful Lancaster .40 Cal longrifle by Niel Fields of Vernal Utah, it has a 44'' swamped collerain barrel and a Jim Chambers Queen Anne style lock, and she is a real tack driver. My daughter is real handy at cleaning rabbits !!


    Ps I will be buried in a barrow in the hay paddock next to my favourite hoss and with all my toys !!
    Kind of fond of .40's myself. Mine's a Lancaster school copy built by Bill Mowery ( RIP ) when he was up in Olney, TX.

    I've known the old grouch since I was a kid. HE was good friends with my grandfather. My Grandfather had massive collection of guns and when he passed, I was tasked with disposing of the collection for the estate. One of the rifles that none of the kin wanted was Remington-Hepburn "free" rifle in 38-55 cal. I had it on a table at the Dallas gun show. I looked up and old Bill was staring a hole through that rifle. Then he asked me how come I had it and he didn't. I asked WTH he was talking about and he told me that my grandfather had promised him that rifle if he ever was to sell it. I got a chuckle out of that and told Bill his buddy had passed on and if he wanted the rifle, we'd work a deal of some kind. Bill showed me a 50 cal flinter he'd built and I didn't like it and then I picked up the 40. You could see him cringe. I told him I'd take the 40 and $400 cash. He squealed like a pig under a gate, and I told him take it or leave it. He left it and I went back to my rat killing. About two hours later he came to my table with that .40 and asked if the deal still stood. I told him it did and we swapped.

    Bill won the flintlock class at the TMLRA Association at Brady, TX two years running with that rifle. I've won several matches and lot of beer money with it as well. I used to carry it in the rifle rack of my old International Scout and the hammer heads with their scope sighted deer rifles always made fun of it. I'd tell 'em I could out shoot 'em all day long. We'd set beer cans on fence posts at 50 yds and shoot off hand. It was 5 bucks a miss. I'd miss a couple on purpose and then skin 'em alive. Word finally got out that I could shoot that "damned long rifle" and the boys quit giving me their money.

    It's got a small Siler lock and a Douglas barrel.

    More pics:
    Flinter pictures by Wullie_01 - Photobucket

    OT but I had some fun times in Vernal, UT back in the mid 80's when the company I was working for was hauling gilsonite to the oil patch out of Bonanza, UT. We camped out at Vernal until out loads were ready. Some of those little Mormon girls were wilder than a March hare. Good memories.
    Last edited by Wullie; 05-18-2012 at 01:15 AM.

  9. #19
    Senior Member heelerau's Avatar
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    Name:  P5240038.jpg
Views: 329
Size:  37.0 KBHere you go you blokes, the bottom rifle is a 36 cal leman, the one above is the 40 cal Lancaster, both by Fields of Vernal, the above is a Jager rifle in 45, also a tack driver , the above an iron mounted 50 cal Missouri style rifle, heavy, 1 and a quarter across the flats. Have shot a lot of roos and foxes with this rifle.


    HeelerauName:  P5240039.jpg
Views: 426
Size:  40.6 KB

  10. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Very nice,You shoot Roos? can you eat them?

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