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Thread: Anyone raising chickens

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    Had chickens for 15 years,Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds,The Barred were the best birds for me. You won't see an egg out of them until they are 6 months old,and the early egg are small ( pullet ) eggs and get bigger with time. Then my kid needed more space for his flock of show sheep and I lost my chicken area,now I have to buy farm fresheys cuz store bought eggs SUCK !

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Once you eat fresh layed eggs,you will never be happy with the crap from a store.
    We had reds, jersey giants, both brown egg producers,than I was givin a couple Aracunas,those suckers laid multi colored eggs,purple green, blue (the shells).
    I went high tech nutz with my coop,auto watering,auto feeders, the whole maryann.
    Being a city boy I knew nothing about this stuff,My enclosed outside coop area measured maybe 8x10, so I wander down to the feed store to buy straw to cover that area,will the guy says how much straw ya need,best give me about 10 bales,need it for my new Chickin coop, says he, man you must have big operation going there.
    Yep, got me 8 layers,well little did I realize that when you cut the bailing wire you get enough straw to cover a couple acres, lasted about 3 yrs.
    If you have kids, chickins, rabbits are great learning tools for them, do it if you can.

  3. #13
    lz6 is offline
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    Roger on the store bought eggs. We are fortunate to have a great farmers market every Saturday. The fresh eggs are just amazing, as are the cherries, blueberries, almonds, walnuts, tomatoes and on and on!
    I do very well remember my Grandmother on her family wheat farm in Deepwater, Mo. 50 years ago now as she would run
    down a couple of her chickens and escort them to the chopping block ultimately resulting in a fantastic fried chicken, gravy,
    mashed potatoes and fresh corn on the cob for Sunday late lunch. Then it was off to for a couple of miles walk along the
    dirt roads to the church for the Sunday afternoon ice cream social!
    Sorry for the threadjack!
    Sticky and nessmuck like this.

  4. #14
    BHAD cured Sticky's Avatar
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    Grandpa's brother had a large farm with a few chickens. I was around them just long enough to know I don't wanna' raise any. YMMV

  5. #15
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    i got california whites, ive had guineafowl before but they kept running off when we free ranged them so i was in the store getting my dog worm meds and i was looking at a pen with 8 in there and the guy noticed me lookign at them and said that they werent sellign to well this yr and i said well if your willing to work with me on price ill take the lot and he told me that if i bought a bag of there brand of feed that the birds were buy one get one, so i have 8 new girls to take care of, not quite sure if i shoule buy a rooster to go with the hens
    Last edited by Deerhunter1995; 05-24-2012 at 02:44 PM.

  6. #16
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    I have never raised chickens, but I do have experience with teaching them to play tic-tac-toe.

    Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

  7. #17
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deerhunter1995 View Post
    not quite sure if i shoule buy a rooster to go with the hens or if there lay without a rooster nearby
    Hmm, I think you want to have a talk with your parents, and/or spend a bit more time with the schooling than with farm work...

    Hint: Do you think women need to have men around them in order to menstruate?

    P.S.: My grandparents and now my parents have always had chickens. At 3-4 years old I qualified to pick up the eggs, and around 6-7 years old to chop off their head with the axe.... And the freshest eggs are the ones without the shell that you get inside the chicken
    Last edited by gugi; 05-24-2012 at 07:10 AM.

  8. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    No Rooster needed Deerhunter,have fun with them.

  9. #19
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    what i ment was a have heard a rooster will help keep preadators at bay by making a rackus when they get close and that protects the hens and there eggs, i know they will still lay witout a rooster, theres just no chance of the eggs ever being able to hatch.

  10. #20
    Senior Member stingray's Avatar
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    I have no chickens but I don't advise shaving them.

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