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Thread: Objects/ Items that changed you life

  1. #41
    Senior Member heelerau's Avatar
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    My first pony
    My first knife
    my first rifle
    my first book
    my first car
    my first straight
    the internet

  2. #42
    Senior Member Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chay2K View Post
    My first album: BAD BRAINS!

    There's been no looking back since.
    I'm with you there, 'sailin on' and 'how low can a punk get' still get regular rotation in my house even though I'm old enough to know better!

  3. #43
    "We are the knights who say, "nee!" Yochatman's Avatar
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    Honestly, there are too many to list so I will truncate:
    My God;
    My wife;
    My daughter;
    My Army (8 years);
    My Students;
    My Guitar;
    My Books;
    My Bike;
    My Coffee;
    My Straight Razor!

  4. #44
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    TV, Computers/mobile phones/www in general have changed the world and my life a lot. Both in good and bad and that is why i do not want to spend too much time staring at pixels, unless i really need to. I do not keep my mobile open when off duty.

    Most of the things i like to spend my time with were already there when i was kid: cars, motorcycles, engines, hand tools, beautiful ladies (unfortunately nowadays only one), books, dogs, wildlife, nature, photographing. Places where not too many folks around.

    What is great is that science has improved with huge steps within my life time and probably will go on even further. Nowadays we know a lot more about the basics of life and sciences than say 30 years ago, although the basics are still somewhat the same. Newton's Principia or Darwin's Origin of Species/Travels with Beagle still rocks.

    Although not objects or items it must be my kids that most changed my life. Before them i was doing somewhat risky jobs without much paying attention about myself or my life . As soon as my 1st kid was born i did remember how it was to grow without a real father (only substitutes) as my old man died in a AF crash landing when i was a kid. I didn't want my kids to lose their old man too soon and i also wanted to see them grow and become a person of their own. I'm sorry for every single day that i've had to spend away from my family, sometimes months, leaving my wife to survive on everyday life on her own. Maybe it is just getting old but nowadays i'm just happy that my kids grew up to be ok and to try flying with their own wings. My daughter is a nurse (midwoman in English ???) and my son is a ship builder.

    I still have to stay away from my family for days/weeks/months every now and then, and although i sort of love or hate every single day of those times, i still prefer the life at home, with my old wifey, dogs, motorcycles, books, hand tools, wild life, nature and photography. Small things but precious to me. They will be not there forever.

  5. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Sailor For This Useful Post:

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  6. #45
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sailor View Post
    ..My daughter is a nurse (midwoman in English ???) ...
    Midwife, Tomi. An honourable career in it's own right. A good Midwife is worth 10 of the best Obstetricians in my opinion.


  7. #46
    I'm a social vegan. I avoid meet. JBHoren's Avatar
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    1. Radio: When I was in 3rd grade, my father bought me a Hallicrafter's S38-C AM/MW/SW radio. I had it on the bookcase, next to my bed, and used to lay there at night, headphones on, listening to B. Mitchell Reed (BMR) on WMCA and "Cousin Brucie" (Bruce Morrow) on WABC, as they played those early-1960s Motown "girl groups" (and all the rest).
    2. Cannabis: I got turned-on in Boy Scouts, by my best friend's older brother. Love the leaf.
    3. Typewriter: In 8th grade, I was required to take a semester of typing (and one of mechanical drawing). Learning how to touch-type is what got me into technical writing, later on, into computer typesetting, back into technical writing, and, finally, into Unix systems administration.
    You can have everything, and still not have enough.
    I'd give it all up, for just a little more.

  8. #47
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    1. God/His Son/Scripture
    2. Wife/Kids
    3. Guns (been shooting since I was 6)
    4. The Military (USN, USAFR)
    5. Straight Razors
    6. Punk Rock
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  9. #48
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    Sticking to just objects/things:
    First multi-meter: proof that electronics are not magic, and can be figured out,
    First knife, and first multi-tool: all problems can be solved, sometimes by thinking outside the box, sometimes by cutting the box into usefully shaped bits!
    DE razor/straight: that no matter what someone tells you, if they are selling something, they might be lying. And even if they are not selling, they may have an interest in what information you get. The past isn't necessarily better, modern isn't necessarily crap. Make the things around you work for you, and marketing departments be damned!
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  10. #49
    Make ready the heat. henryconchile's Avatar
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    1. Pencil - I loved drawing and sketching as a kid. EVen now, the pencil has something about it that can't be replaced by a pen.
    2. Childhood summers - Spending them in the Domininican country side and experiencing how things were done in the old days.
    3. Indoor plumbing - I hated using the country outhouses as a kid
    4. My first car: 1982 Toyota Corolla - I drove that car everywhere, including 2 round trips from NYC to Florida during college.
    5. Meat grinder and sausage stuffer - I'm one step away from hunting for my own meat.
    6. Habanero peppers - I love heat, not the sweat.
    7. Cast Iron Pans - Cooking at its best: Old world style.
    8. Beer - I always drank the hard stuff, but I didn't know what I've been missing until I started beer a few months ago.
    9. Straight razors - 'nough said.
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  11. #50
    Senior Member donv's Avatar
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    Not sure yet, I hope it's still too soon to decide.

    My kids.

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