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Thread: The Little .410 shotgun

  1. #11
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    12 gauge for sure, Mick, IMO
    So many rounds out there for it, some places easier to find than 410ga.
    Hirlau speaks the truth, at least on this side of the pond. 12 is cheep and plentiful, 20 as well. Go to a 16 or a .410, 28, pricy and limited. 28 has made quite a comeback, as the guns have gotten a bit more reasonable for it.
    Big bore is cheaper! Only in America!
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  2. #12
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    I was thinking that myself, but a little .410 is a cheaper first purchase. You're right though, the 12 will probably be the first buy. I can use light loads for snakes and heavier loads for whatever else may require dispatching. Still, there will be a Taurus/Rossi ' Circuit Judge' somewhere in there at some point


  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Yes, 12 is cheaper, than 410, go figure.

  4. #14
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    I should clarify that ammo for a .410 is not cheaper, but the firearm is.


  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Now I get it...

    410 = stepping stone to the Judge.

  6. #16
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    You got it mate. I know you can get them in lever action from Rossi as well, but I reckon I would just get another .357 lever. later on as well. You can't have too many guns afterall


  7. #17
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    I have a 410 Harrington and Richardson my dad bought for me as I was 13. (wish I had a pic, I will try to take one soon!).
    A beautiful thing, it is single shot with a hammer and side-knob breakdown, a nickel plated receiver and gloss black stock and forearm. Typical full choke. I spent many days wandering the woods with it. In my late 20's, I took it to the country intending to do some squirrell hunting. I was a good shot in those days as I had been on a goose and duck lease for several years and was fairly proficient with a 12 guage. I ran into an old friend who wanted me to go duck hunting. I went to a local hardware store and procured some #6 3 inchers for it (before steel shot).
    I creamed 3 from the moving boat before we got to the woods and proceeded to make mine and 2 other's limits as we got to the blind. Fast-moving teal at that! They still call me "Ol' 410" ! Great memories! Thanks for reminding.
    You knocked down ducks with a .410? I would say that is some excellent shooting! You sure earned that title! I don't know many people who can say that. Good job!

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  9. #18
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    Now I get it...

    410 = stepping stone to the Judge.
    Judges are nice but you should gander at the Bond Arms derringer if you want the sexy. They are sweet!

  10. #19
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickR View Post
    I was thinking that myself, but a little .410 is a cheaper first purchase. You're right though, the 12 will probably be the first buy. I can use light loads for snakes and heavier loads for whatever else may require dispatching. Still, there will be a Taurus/Rossi ' Circuit Judge' somewhere in there at some point

    Hang on with both hands for the Circut Judge! That joker is a handfull!
    I go strictly with the same 12 guage solid-breech these days. It handles the heavy work, and the light as well. You can change chokes and get ammo for it to deer hunt, or quail, or trap and skeet. Ammo come from slug, buckshot, varmit, and birds, skeet/trap.
    I love the target loads of 1300 fps of heavy powder and light load of #8 shot for dove/quail. Point and gone! like shooting a 20. If you go 410, you are limited to what there is. JMO
    If you like to shoot a lot, get the 12!
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  11. #20
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    Picked up the little bolt 410 this PM. Checked it out and it is in good condition. Will pattern it tomorrow. My first .410 was a Winchester Model 37 break action single shot with 28 inch full choke barrel. This gun was destroyed in a house fire. The 410 is more effective than most people give it credit for. If you have one that is well choked and throws a good pattern you can bring down game at 30 to 35 yards with no problem. It is not an all around gun but more of a speciaity gun. Especially for old men like me who live to relive thier youth and the memories of fall days in the woods.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to d. m. ellington For This Useful Post:

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