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Thread: The Little .410 shotgun

  1. #1
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    Default The Little .410 shotgun

    Thought I would start another firearms thread.

    Sixty years ago my grandfather bought a used Stevens Blolt Action Single Shot .410 gauge shotgun from a coworker. He paid $12.00 for it. My cusin's huusband borrowed it to go to a dove shoot. Anyone who has ever shot doves knows that you need a 12 gauge repeater, modified choke and all the no. 7 1/2 shot you can get in the case. Doves shooting is difficuld.

    To continue the story my cousin took this little gun, (It was so small and light with a 24 inch barrel that my grandfather called it a walking stick gun". However my cousin was laughed at when he showed up for the shoot with the little .410. When he came back he had outshot everyone and there were some excellent shots at the shoot. He had to have that gun and bought it off of my gandfather.

    Last Sunday at the family reunion he told me this story. He is now in his 80's in excellent health and has enjoyed the little .410 for the last sixty years.

    I called my friend who works in a gunshop and mentioned this story and he said I have one. It is a Stevens but has Sears & Roebuck on it. But it was made by Stevens. It is the Sears Model 120 1120 or the Stevens Model 58C and also sold under the Springfield brand as the Model 18C.

    I am going to meet my friend today and get the little .410.

    Feel like a little kid on Christmas Morning.

    Anyone got any good .410 stories.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    My grandfather used this Savage Stevens Model 94C, .410 to take rabbits & squirrels in the 1920's & 30's.
    I used it to take rabbits & squirrels in the late 60's & early 70's.
    Now it belongs to my son.

    Name:  Stevens Savage 410 ga Shotgun Model 94C.jpg
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  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    No stories. I have a 2 shot derringer .45 long colt that also fires .410. it's fun to shoot.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    No stories. I have a 2 shot derringer .45 long colt that also fires .410. it's fun to shoot.
    Me too, Bond.

  5. #5
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    Default The Little .410 shotgun

    My uncle used to keep a .410 behind the front seat of his 396 SS ELCamino. It said snake charmer on it.

  6. #6
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    I can't say I learned to shoot with the .410 but I learned to hunt with one. Saturdays in the fall in Iowa was pheasant season and my Father and two or three of his friends would walk the corn fields and I would come along carrying the single shot. Brand unknown. That's where I learned gun safety and teamwork. Always know where your partners where and where your shot was going. If you didn't, don't shoot. You didn't shoot hens so you learned to make a decision quickly when a bird was up. You only had one shot so you had to make it count.

    Mostly, however, I think I was there in case somebody bagged over the limit.

  7. #7
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    I have a 410 Harrington and Richardson my dad bought for me as I was 13. (wish I had a pic, I will try to take one soon!).
    A beautiful thing, it is single shot with a hammer and side-knob breakdown, a nickel plated receiver and gloss black stock and forearm. Typical full choke. I spent many days wandering the woods with it. In my late 20's, I took it to the country intending to do some squirrell hunting. I was a good shot in those days as I had been on a goose and duck lease for several years and was fairly proficient with a 12 guage. I ran into an old friend who wanted me to go duck hunting. I went to a local hardware store and procured some #6 3 inchers for it (before steel shot).
    I creamed 3 from the moving boat before we got to the woods and proceeded to make mine and 2 other's limits as we got to the blind. Fast-moving teal at that! They still call me "Ol' 410" ! Great memories! Thanks for reminding.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MondoJ View Post
    My uncle used to keep a .410 behind the front seat of his 396 SS ELCamino. It said snake charmer on it.
    I've seen those, they have like a mini stock with a pistol grip in them.

  9. #9
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    Great to see a thread on this subject. I've been thinking I need to get a .410 or a 12g for out on the farm. Both eventually, but which first is the question.


  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    12 gauge for sure, Mick, IMO
    So many rounds out there for it, some places easier to find than 410ga.
    nun2sharp, MickR and sharptonn like this.

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