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Thread: Henry Repeating Arms

  1. #11
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by freebird View Post
    Attachment 110941

    This is my Brothers Henry, a .44 mag, only difference is mine is a 45 Colt. That's me in my CAS outfit.
    Hey freebird! Great looking get-up! I bet CAS is an absolute blast!

    I note your 6-gun rides high. Do you get a quick draw with it up there, or was it for the picture only?
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  3. #12
    Senior Member freebird's Avatar
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    Default Henry Repeating Arms

    Thanks! My outfit has been evolving, I'm constantly adding to or taking from it. I'd like to find a decent set of chaps, but I'd want used ones. Something that looks like they've seen some use.

    The holster rides pretty high, I went for authenticity over Hollywood. Of corse it would've helped if I'd been a little taller lol. , i wont be quick drawing,I'd probably shoot myself in the foot. I'm one of those guys who aren't going for speed, just having fun playing cowboy lol. I will have to do the cross draw dance though, turn so the muzzle doesn't sweep the onlookers, then turn to face the targets.
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  4. #13
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by freebird View Post
    Thanks! My outfit has been evolving, I'm constantly adding to or taking from it. I'd like to find a decent set of chaps, but I'd want used ones. Something that looks like they've seen some use.
    Tall order there brother but you know what - look in at some vintage motorcycle stores. You might just find a pair - might.

    Playing cowpoke seems like a great way to kill time!! That and being able to show off my SxS in a venue other than the sporting clay's place would you know... be fun too lol .

    What's your handle?

  5. #14
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    It really isn't often that I get to chime in on any of the firearms threads, so I can't let this one go by. While I don't have a Henry, I do have a RCMP Centennial 1873-1973 Winchester. Actually, there are two... My dad is retired RCMP so he got two of the member issue rifles, one for him and one for me. Mine's still in the box nearly 40 years later. One of these days I should talk him into heading into the woods to try them out.

    EDIT: while looking at the Henry website, I was kind of surprised to find they don't do a replica model without the wooden forestock like (what I think was) the original. I would think that every western buff would be lusting after one of those

    I'm thinking of something like these by Uberti:
    Name:  01 Quadro big.jpg
Views: 479
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    Last edited by Cangooner; 11-03-2012 at 03:18 AM.
    heelerau, MickR and earcutter like this.

    It was in original condition, faded red, well-worn, but nice.
    This was and still is my favorite combination; beautiful, original, and worn.
    -Neil Young

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    Hirlau (11-03-2012)

  7. #15
      Lynn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Henry Repeating Arms

    I would love a Henry!! I have a Winchester 94 30-30 from the sixties that may see action this Deer Season.
    freebird and earcutter like this.

  8. #16
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cangooner View Post
    It really isn't often that I get to chime in on any of the firearms threads, so I can't let this one go by. While I don't have a Henry, I do have a RCMP Centennial 1873-1973 Winchester. Actually, there are two... My dad is retired RCMP so he got two of the member issue rifles, one for him and one for me. Mine's still in the box nearly 40 years later. One of these days I should talk him into heading into the woods to try them out.

    EDIT: while looking at the Henry website, I was kind of surprised to find they don't do a replica model without the wooden forestock like (what I think was) the original. I would think that every western buff would be lusting after one of those

    I'm thinking of something like these by Uberti:
    Uh be prepared to get an offer on that never used NOS rifle of yours brother! Remember - I asked first lol! I still have my FAC!!!
    freebird, MickR and Cangooner like this.

  9. #17
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
    I would love a Henry!! I have a Winchester 94 30-30 from the sixties that may see action this Deer Season.
    Classic rifle that is! One day when I get my hunting licence down here - I'll invite you up to see some of the pointers I have scoped out over in these parts! That is if you let me use your lever of course lol! I have a soft spot for 30-30's lol!
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    Lynn (11-03-2012)

  11. #18
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    Uh be prepared to get an offer on that never used NOS rifle of yours brother! Remember - I asked first lol! I still have my FAC!!!
    Duly noted...

    But since it came from my Dad, I can't imagine accepting any offer for it. I'm a bit too sentimental for that. But just to torment you... not only is it still in its box, it's still in the styrofoam that's still in the cardboard sleeve, that's still wrapped in unopened paper.

    It was in original condition, faded red, well-worn, but nice.
    This was and still is my favorite combination; beautiful, original, and worn.
    -Neil Young

  12. #19
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cangooner View Post
    Duly noted...

    But since it came from my Dad, I can't imagine accepting any offer for it. I'm a bit too sentimental for that. But just to torment you... not only is it still in its box, it's still in the styrofoam that's still in the cardboard sleeve, that's still wrapped in unopened paper.
    Good Gosh Man!! So uh... where do you live again lol .

    That would be hard to part with brother... very hard. You are going to have to make sure your kids get their permits bro if you have any so that you can pass it down to them.

  13. #20
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    Good Gosh Man!! So uh... where do you live again lol .

    That would be hard to part with brother... very hard. You are going to have to make sure your kids get their permits bro if you have any so that you can pass it down to them.
    If not me, then my nephews for sure! My problem is *I* don't even have any permits! It just wasn't a priority between uni, gradschool, work, and too many moves to recall. But one of these days I'll have to sort that out if for no other reason than to get 'my' rifles out of my folks' place. Luckily my Dad has all the paperwork in place so there's no problem with him hanging on to them for me. One of these days...

    It was in original condition, faded red, well-worn, but nice.
    This was and still is my favorite combination; beautiful, original, and worn.
    -Neil Young

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