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Thread: How many razor do you own ?

  1. #31
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    Two DE's and "one" straight razor with black scales...I have lots of black scales, therein lies the secret.
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  3. #32
    Senior Member PatrickA51's Avatar
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    I have 9 Double Edge razors that are in my Rotation. I use a Weber 3pc W/Classic Handle. I also have a Above the Tie 7 pc. Set, I have the Krona Handle and the Atlas Handle in that set. I also have 2 Rockwell 6S Razor's and I also have the replacement heads for this set. Set have 4 Straight Razors, and I have 7 Gillette DE Razors in my Collection, 1 Schick Krona, I also have 6 Schick Extreme 3 Disposable Razors, I also have 4 Wilkinson Sword Tech 3 Disposable Razors. I also have 2 Gillette Fusion Flexball Proglide Silvertouch Razors. Which I am now using in my rotation (the Gillette Fusion Proglide Razor)
    So basically I have more razors than I can use. Do not ask about how many Razor Blades or Shaving Soap Pucks I have.
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  5. #33
    JP5 is offline
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    I've got 3 DE safety razors and around 10 straights. I'm going to be selling several of them once I get them rescaled though.

    Right now I'm using two of the straights (2 W&B's) and two of the DE razors (a Merkur and a Gillette Slim adjustable).
    Last edited by JP5; 09-05-2015 at 07:45 AM.
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  7. #34
    Nemo me impune lacessit RobinK's Avatar
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  9. #35
    Senior Member Badgister's Avatar
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    Is that Hordo, the pathological lonely razor hoarding elephant?
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  10. #36
    Senior Member entropy1049's Avatar
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    I've dedicated myself to getting down to one seven day case.

    Prior to adapting a SR minimalist philosophy, my idea was to try to acquire the best possible example of what I felt were iconic, representative straights. I'd acquired about 50 in some chaotic rotation, having sold or traded another 50 or so that at one time or another I was sure were going with me to my grave, and another ~100 or so that i'd obtained to practice restoration or honing, or obtained in bundle deals but never intended to keep for whatever reason.

    It soon occurred to me that something Stalin said was readily adapted to straight razor collecting. "Kill one person, it's murder. Kill one million, it's a statistic". My SR philosophical adaption of this is "Own one straight, truly appreciate it. Own 200, never appreciate any of them".

    In my perfect world, I'd get down to two, but after "The Great SR Pogrom of 2015", I have six that I simply will not part with.

    And then there's that Zowada that Tim is working on for me...
    Last edited by entropy1049; 09-05-2015 at 04:32 PM.
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  11. #37
    I got this . . . Orville's Avatar
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    I have more than I need, but fewer than I want . . .
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  13. #38
    Senior Member Matheus's Avatar
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    9, straights only. No more safeties or cartridges.
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  15. #39
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    The new display rack came in.

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    About 63 razors. 55 of them have scales on.
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  17. #40
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    Woa... some people here have over 50 razors ?
    When the average price of a razor is around 100-200$. So if we some math...
    50 * 150 = 7500$ Minimum!

    In some case, the invested amount is not small! For some people at one point, straight shaving is not a question of trying to save money, its really a hobby!!!

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