Today I shaved with a TGQ soap which I am now coming to the end of. No problems so far.

However let me tell you what happened as I shaved. Not the shave itself per se... you see usually i'll run a basin of hot water and soak my brush while I strop my razor. This I did today and gently put my freshly stropped razor down (open) on the corner of the bath- it would be safe enough. I took the brush from the basin and held the TGQ Bay Rum in my left hand, making a lather with the brush in my right. This way I worked up the soap and started to apply to my face.

A scratching noise came from behind me... I had the sensation that the cat had entered the bathroom and turned to my left to see he had passed behind me. The scratching noise was him...

At the bath...

Getting ready to jump up....

The following sequence of events all happened in the space of 3 or 4 seconds but it felt like an age. The cat jumped. He landed awquardly. He knocked a hairbrush....


"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" I shouted as my ONLY straight razor fell to the floor. The cat bolted, fearing for its life from me and from the razor. The razor tumbled and tumbled for what seemed like FOREVER....

It landed THANK GAWD with a soft bump on my wifes slippers.


I'll miss that cat.