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Thread: ideas needed

  1. #11
    Senior Member rsrick's Avatar
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    At most stationary stores you can buy a locking metal file box (combination lock). I have one that measures just slightly larger than 9 x 12 and is around 3" deep. You could easily drill several holes in the top to allow for moisture control.

    Another option would be a large locking cash box.


    Last edited by rsrick; 08-06-2008 at 11:31 PM.

  2. #12
    Senior Member freebird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by netsurfr View Post
    Here is an idea that I recently came upon. These are about $20.00 at the local Walmart. I am sure they can be located elsewhere. I added the red felt to keep the razors from sliding around quite so much.
    Here is the link to a previous post:

    You could also do a similar thing with a fishing tackle box where they shelves fold out in exactly this manner. Many of these have adjustable compartments. Some of them have locks or a place where a small key lock could be placed.

    I'll have to check those out the next time I hit the local Wal-Mart store. A friend of mine loaned me a Sentry 1170 safe, doesn't appear as deep as the one pictured above, but, it should do the trick until I can come up with something different. I might bring in a display case that's out in the barn (just remembered that we had it). It was one of those like you see in Wal-Mart with the razors. It stands about 4 1/2 or 5 feet tall and is 24 inches wide by 24 inches deep. It wouldn't be hard to break into as it only has a plexiglass door, but it does lock.

  3. #13
    yeehaw. Ben325e's Avatar
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    I'm not sure if you have a bedroom suite with a master bathroom directly attached, but if so you could just put a lock on your bedroom door. that way you can protect an entire room full of stuff.


  4. #14
    Senior Member freebird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ben325e View Post
    I'm not sure if you have a bedroom suite with a master bathroom directly attached, but if so you could just put a lock on your bedroom door. that way you can protect an entire room full of stuff.


    No, only one way in and one way out, so a door lock would also work. Might do both, a door lock and see if I can get someone to move the display in as well.

  5. #15
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Just to second what kelbro said, lock up the guns. if mom got one and went outside and someone called the Police they would never know the situation.

    For the razors I would just get a small gun safe. You can put some silica gel packs in it for moisture.
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  6. #16
    Senior Member Agamemnon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelbro View Post
    I have been dealing with an Alzheimers sufferer for several years. You might re-think locking the guns up. Alzheimers affects rationality and although you know the gun is not loaded, a situation could arise where somebody else doesn't know it's not loaded. Wouldn't want anything bad happening to your mom.
    I was thinking much the same thing. If your mother got hold of a gun and wandered about the neighborhood with it.... The neighbors and police wouldn't know it wasn't loaded and that could cause a tragedy.

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