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Thread: Diabetes?

  1. #11
    A Newbie....Forever! zepplin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spike J View Post

    That is seriously impressive Steve. You will be our most senior member! I could work out how many shots you have had. I would rather not though. It is not scary, as such. Just impressive. Really really impressive. There should be a medal for taking that many & lasting that long. With bars!
    Yea, I ought to get something for lasting this long. 30 of those years was as a practicing alcoholic, too. Now that's tricky to pull off! When I drop in to (and I try not to) any medical facility, the techs always rolls their eyes when they find out my age and that I am a diabetic. All the diabetic researchers want a piece of me.
    I developed heart desease as a result of being a diabetic for so many years. Could I have prevented it by better control? ...I don't know, but I do wish the doctors would have warned me about long term diabetes and heart desease! Would I have done differently?

    I have found that as I get older, my diabetes has gotten harder and harder to control.


  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by zepplin View Post
    Yea, I ought to get something for lasting this long. 30 of those years was as a practicing alcoholic, too. Now that's tricky to pull off! When I drop in to (and I try not to) any medical facility, the techs always rolls their eyes when they find out my age and that I am a diabetic. All the diabetic researchers want a piece of me.
    I developed heart desease as a result of being a diabetic for so many years. Could I have prevented it by better control? ...I don't know, but I do wish the doctors would have warned me about long term diabetes and heart desease! Would I have done differently?

    I have found that as I get older, my diabetes has gotten harder and harder to control.


    Hear, hear Steve! I wasn't an alcoholic, I just didn't "grasp" the complications aspect. Oh, I knew that the risk was there, but when you're young you don't think such things can happen to you. I lost the eye at the age of 29, and that was the results of being stupid. I find that mine is also harder to control the older I get. I'm under so much stress right now I'm surprised to see a reading under 200.

  3. #13
    A Newbie....Forever! zepplin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by freebird View Post
    Hear, hear Steve! I wasn't an alcoholic, I just didn't "grasp" the complications aspect. Oh, I knew that the risk was there, but when you're young you don't think such things can happen to you. I lost the eye at the age of 29, and that was the results of being stupid. I find that mine is also harder to control the older I get. I'm under so much stress right now I'm surprised to see a reading under 200.
    I hear you. I know that stress, infections, simple illnesses, lots of ice cream (lol, lol, lol) can jack the blood sugar up.

    I have always been good about taking my tests, and taking my insulin. I have heard horror stories about people, type 1's, that will not take their insulin when they should. - which blows my mind!

    My problem is that I, also, have OCD (this is why I own so many razors, too), and that can lead to my not eating well. I have a real problem with ice cream; the good stuff, not the sugar free or low in carbohydrates. Ugh!

    Oh, well!

  4. #14
    Senior Member iron maiden's Avatar
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    I had no idea there were so many diabetics out there.

    I've had Type 1 since complications, good eyesight, etc.

    I've been on a pump since Jan 08 and really like it. With my job as a state trooper, the pump makes it easier to deal with schedule changes and overtime, etc. I feel like a new man since I've been on the pump. I've gotten much better control, with less highs and lows...Although I do miss the "need" to hit the candy drawer when my sugar gets low.

  5. #15
    Lurking Cilted Pirate Spike J's Avatar
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    Sorry I have not been too obvious these last few days. My glucoses have been doing an amazingly good impression of a space shuttle. Ground level was 1.5mmol/L (27mg/dl) Orbit was somewhere north of 33 (594). Not so bad if they are achieved in a week but tiresome when they occur repeatedly within 24 hours. I would have to agree that control becomes more elusive as you get older. Except it has always been like this

    Does anybody pay any attention when they warn you about complications? I figured What the hell? I'm bound to get them eventually I had my first batch of laser on my eyes just before my thirtieth birthday. The sod of it is, I work hard at maintaining my control, have done for years & still have problems. Then again, I am not sure that the world could cope with me if I was "well controlled" I am bad enough as I am n

  6. #16
    A Newbie....Forever! zepplin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spike J View Post
    Sorry I have not been too obvious these last few days. My glucoses have been doing an amazingly good impression of a space shuttle. Ground level was 1.5mmol/L (27mg/dl) Orbit was somewhere north of 33 (594). Not so bad if they are achieved in a week but tiresome when they occur repeatedly within 24 hours. I would have to agree that control becomes more elusive as you get older. Except it has always been like this

    Does anybody pay any attention when they warn you about complications? I figured What the hell? I'm bound to get them eventually I had my first batch of laser on my eyes just before my thirtieth birthday. The sod of it is, I work hard at maintaining my control, have done for years & still have problems. Then again, I am not sure that the world could cope with me if I was "well controlled" I am bad enough as I am n
    This is interesting what your are saying about working hard to control the diabetes, yet, not getting the benefits from the hard work. - Years ago, when I was young and a real party person (drinking, drugs, etc.) I went fishing on opening day with a bunch of fellow party goer type of fishermen. We all stayed in a cabin up in the Sierras in Northern California. There was a fellow in the group I remember as "Bobby". Bobby was a brittle (hard to control) diabetic that weighed every ounce of food he ingested. I never saw anybody work so hard on control, and yet, he had lost the sight in one eye, and was loosing the sight in his other eye.- and had serious circulation problems, that did not look good for the future. Bobby was only in his early 20's - I, on the other hand, never took care of my diabetes in those days, and I was healthy as a horse and never had diabetic problems. Go figure.........
    Last edited by zepplin; 08-31-2008 at 05:24 PM.

  7. #17
    Lurking Cilted Pirate Spike J's Avatar
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    Then again, control is a moveable feast IMHO. I work at it because I know how much more interesting life would be if I did not. I was not supposed to see my first birthday, when I was diagnosed. So everything else has been, if not gravy, then something close to it. It really is a matter of perspective & where your head is on any given day.

  8. #18
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    Default Natural Diabetes Relief

    I have a good friend who has diabetes and he tells of this relief/remedy: 500mg Bitter Melon Seed before eating in the morning and 40 minutes before noon meal. Also tablespoon of Barley Grass Seed at same times. These natural items can be ordered from Puritan's Pride Vitamins: Discount Vitamins and Herbal Supplements. He has had good results with this treatment. Health Food Stores near you would probably have these thngs. I am not a doctor nor pharmacist. I want to help with this. My good cousin is also diabetic. She gets relief from strong black coffee. She also eats a lot of fresh onions. She has gotten healthier doing this. Anything to try for better health. Do check it out with doctors and trusted fellow diabetics. I have not gotten feedback from her about the Bitter Melon Seed and Barley Grass Seed. She has been on vacation in the mountains of Utah. She is healthy for a 75 yr old!

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by timberrr59 View Post
    I have a good friend who has diabetes and he tells of this relief/remedy: 500mg Bitter Melon Seed before eating in the morning and 40 minutes before noon meal. Also tablespoon of Barley Grass Seed at same times. These natural items can be ordered from Puritan's Pride Vitamins: Discount Vitamins and Herbal Supplements. He has had good results with this treatment. Health Food Stores near you would probably have these thngs. I am not a doctor nor pharmacist. I want to help with this. My good cousin is also diabetic. She gets relief from strong black coffee. She also eats a lot of fresh onions. She has gotten healthier doing this. Anything to try for better health. Do check it out with doctors and trusted fellow diabetics. I have not gotten feedback from her about the Bitter Melon Seed and Barley Grass Seed. She has been on vacation in the mountains of Utah. She is healthy for a 75 yr old!
    It's a bit different for type I diabetics. If you don't take insulin your body won't be able to process any sugar (glucose). Your body will essentially starve itself while your blood has too much sugar causing significant damage to tissues and organs.

    I've been diabetic for 12 years (diagnosed Type I right before I turned 20) and been on the pump for a year and a half.

  10. #20
    Lurking Cilted Pirate Spike J's Avatar
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    Thankyou biomesh & welcome to the gang!

    Thankyou timberr too. I have to agree with bio though. The melon seed & barley supplements sound very like a solution for Type IIs with the glucose intolerance flavour of the lurgy. Not that I wish to confuse lay readers, there are at least two others that I am familiar with... Sorry, I have heard too many of these "miracle" cures over the years. The problem with all diabetes is that insufficient biochemically active insulin is secreted by the beta cells of the Islets of Langherhan in the pancreas. Sometimes, it is possible to limit the carbohydrate in, & thus glucose absorbed from, the diet to a level at which the insulin secreted can metabolise it into the body's tissues. Peachy. Then you can secrete the insulin, but do not have enough insulin receptors in the tissues' cell walls. There are pills which can help with that by increasing receptor numbers. There are other pills which can stimulate secretion of insulin to a point. After that, it is shots, because insulin is broken down by the acids & enzymes in the stomach. Type II is often described as another facet of the aging process. It is another system slowly failing. Type I is caused, as far as we know, by the immune system turning on & destroying the insulin production cells. The 64 million dollar question is what causes the miswiring of the immune system.

    That is quite enough lecturing for one night

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