I think I have discovered the way to prevent full blown RAD. Of course, I've found it too late for myself, and for pretty much anybody who reads this.....

I made a few really dumb purchases early on, and finally got a shave ready henkels from the classifieds here.

I was content.

Bought a few trash blades to "play" with while figuring out several ways to accidentally damage razor beyond repair with a dremel.

Still content.

Spent lots of time looking at all the wonderful razors folks have around here.

Felt a twinge of longing here and there, but still mostly content.

Bought a second shave ready from another member here. Received in the mail, and promptly scraped a day's stubble off my mug.

Now I'm screwed.

That was the breaking point. A second shave-ready razor. Within just a few hours of shaving with #2, I had already purchased #3 in the classified. I've got a sharp and shiny frame back winging it's way to me soon.

There you go guys. If you want to avoid RAD, buy one razor, and keep your nose out of the classifieds. Once you shave with number two, it's too late.