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Thread: I'm new....

  1. #11
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CRR
    Would you say that the razor coming from Lynn will be a lot sharper than the dispoable types like a Feather? I've read some posts by people over at that suggest that the Feather is sharper than a standard str8. Is that right?
    I've heard talk of the same think, but considering how sharp my Dubl Duck is right now, it's pretty hard for me to imagine anything SHARPER! I don't know if I'd want to shave with anything sharper.

  2. #12
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    The razor coming from Lynn is as sharp as you want to start out with. The Feather blades may be just a bit to sharp for a beginner. Yes, there is such a thing as to sharp. You can deal with that later.

    Quote Originally Posted by CRR
    Would you say that the razor coming from Lynn will be a lot sharper than the dispoable types like a Feather? I've read some posts by people over at that suggest that the Feather is sharper than a standard str8. Is that right?

    Yes and thanks to all for their help. I look forward to taking advantage of everyone's experience here...I've already been enjoying myself and thanks for the warm welcome.
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  3. #13
    Senior Member marciaga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by randydance062449
    The razor coming from Lynn is as sharp as you want to start out with. The Feather blades may be just a bit to sharp for a beginner. Yes, there is such a thing as to sharp. You can deal with that later.
    From my perspective as a newcomer, I found Randy's claim to be true. I started out with a disposable blade straight and I cut myself left and right. But my first straight razor (standard) was from Lynn and the first time I used it, I didn't cut myself at all. I have more razors now and that continues to be the case.


  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by CRR

    I'm a new straight razor user and wanted to introduce myself. I've shaved with a Mach3 for years, but got tired of the neck irratation and decided to try something else. I've been using a DE and had great results and been reading so many good things about the "real thing" I decided to give it a go.

    I've been using a disposable to start as I thought it would give me a good idea of what it was like to use a straight razor and good for travel as well.

    I've purchased a razor from Lynn and waiting for it to arrive to try it out.

    Thanks to all those here who have given such great advice, it really helps us beginners to jump in and try it out. Thanks very much!

    Welcome new guy!

  5. #15
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    Mark says: From my perspective as a newcomer, I found Randy's claim to be true. I started out with a disposable blade straight and I cut myself left and right. But my first straight razor (standard) was from Lynn and the first time I used it, I didn't cut myself at all. I have more razors now and that continues to be the case.
    Thanks Mark. I seem to be experiencing the same thing. At least with the disposable blade straight. Yesterday I put in a new blade and cut myself 8 places. There's was blood all over the place. I thought I was being careful, but obviously not. Changing too mary variables at once is not a good thing I'm finding. I used a new blade, new soap, different pre-shave stuff, etc. and the razor wasn't moving smoothly over my face as usual. In particular my neck, ouch!

    I'm determined though, so I don't care if I cut myself everytime, I gonna master this thing

    uthed says: Welcome new guy!
    Thanks good to be here. I look forward to lots of good conversation and getting as much good advice as possible

  6. #16
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    i had gone with a honed up razor used for my first one. a feather is very sharp, and you literally have to learn about negative pressure. a DE can be forgiving to a degree if you apply pressure when shaving, but not a feather straight. i still get the best shaves with a feather straight, but it is not as enjoyable of a shave, because you get no aural feedback of how the shave is going as you do with a regular straight. it is effective, efficient, and utilitarian, but not as much as a work of art if you know what i mean


  7. #17
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    I'm anxiously awaiting my striaghts to arrive. I really want to get the feel of the real deal.

  8. #18
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    I am kind of new to this myself (just had my first shave with a straight razor tonight, and now have three new scratches on my face where I applied too much presure, though I have experienced no where near the razor burn I am used to). Not having done it before, I didn't trust myself to bring that blade anywhere near my throught (sp?). Now that I actually have done it I am glad I didn't. I'll probably be hanging around here for a while while I figure out what I am doing. Just a quick question though, I hadn't known what the oil on the blade was for, so I didn't remove it before the shave. While I will be doing so in the future (getting some mineral oil soon) will this cause any problems for me right now? Or is the mineral oil it came with fairly innocuous?

  9. #19
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    Welcome to the group!

    You should wash the oil off the razor before each use, then strop the razor for approx 35 roundtrip laps. You reapply the oil after you have finished shaving and rinsed off the blade.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Dragon Master
    I am kind of new to this myself (just had my first shave with a straight razor tonight, and now have three new scratches on my face where I applied too much presure, though I have experienced no where near the razor burn I am used to). Not having done it before, I didn't trust myself to bring that blade anywhere near my throught (sp?). Now that I actually have done it I am glad I didn't. I'll probably be hanging around here for a while while I figure out what I am doing. Just a quick question though, I hadn't known what the oil on the blade was for, so I didn't remove it before the shave. While I will be doing so in the future (getting some mineral oil soon) will this cause any problems for me right now? Or is the mineral oil it came with fairly innocuous?
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  10. #20
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    All novices welcome to the group. You know there's that old joke about one guy asking how to get to Carnegie Hall in N.Y and the other guy answers him, practice man, practice.

    You are all at the beginning of a journey and will learn an almost forgotten art and skill. Something that will keep you in touch with all those that have preceeded you.

    Above all the watchword is patience. You won't get a wonderful, close, comfortable shave a week after you start. Some master it easier and faster than others but eventually all do just like the oldtimers did so just keep at it and ask questions and you will succeed.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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