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  1. #31
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I think that what the experiment demonstrated at this point is that more stropping at least 60x as opposed to 30x is more beneficial. As soon as I get srp 39 back we'll start phase 2 and reverse the stropping and see how it shakes out in the end. As far as that third razor goes I'm still thinking that quality wise its a better razor than the SRP razors though I might be wrong and that could have had an effect also.

    I'm sure there is a pint of no return in stropping where more does nothing more beneficial for you but what's that magic number?
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  2. #32
    Senior Member Joe Lerch's Avatar
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    Lynn, am I understanding right that you strop both before and after a shave?

  3. #33
    Senior Member Joe Lerch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adjustme69
    I will usually do around 30 after a honing starting with 10-15 on the linen side. Lynn
    Somebody sited a Ph. D. thesis on sharpening that seemed to reach the conclusion that you shouldn't strop after honing. I guess it depends on whether the purpose of honing is to do a very fine polish or to realign the microserrations. If the latter, then you would only strop before or after a shave.

  4. #34
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Lerch
    So, the three tests were 60 before, 30 before and 30 after, and 30 before. The last one was included to see if the number of passes would make a difference.
    I believe you're mistaken. The last added was your request for 60 passes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Lerch
    The two surviving razors both received 60 passes. The early failure received 30.
    I believe you are overemphasising the number of passes vs. the time when the razor was stropped.

    Certainly, we NEED more data to come to any kind of conclusion beyond;
    1. Stropping after the shave appears to benefit the edge's ability to stay keen.
    2. More stropping (done correctly) will not hurt the edge.


  5. #35
      Lynn's Avatar
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    I do Joe. I would not recommend though that anyone follow my stropping methods or number of strokes as this is so much an individual thing. Have fun. Lynn

  6. #36
    Senior Member blabbermouth rtaylor61's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adjustme69
    I do Joe. I would not recommend though that anyone follow my stropping methods or number of strokes as this is so much an individual thing. Have fun. Lynn
    The "honemeister" of honemeisters is a funny man! World renown for his honing skills, yet does not recommend that we follow his stropping methods! Well, I wouldn't jump off of a bridge if you suggested it, but in the razor world, I'm all ears!

    Lynn, the best laugh I have had all day! And I do understand what you are saying here...just made me laugh out loud when I read it!


  7. #37
    Senior Member Joe Lerch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman
    I believe you're mistaken. The last added was your request for 60 passes.

    I believe you are overemphasising the number of passes vs. the time when the razor was stropped.

    Certainly, we NEED more data to come to any kind of conclusion beyond;
    1. Stropping after the shave appears to benefit the edge's ability to stay keen.
    2. More stropping (done correctly) will not hurt the edge.

    I don't think I'm mistaken. I asked for the 60 for a reason. That was because 30 before and 30 before plus 30 after was not a complete comparison. The 60 was needed to rule out the effect of extra stropping. It showed just the opposite.

    There's no support for your first conclusion. The evidence for a benefit is very questionable. The second conclusion is too conservative. There is clear evidence that more stropping made the razors last longer.

  8. #38
      Lynn's Avatar
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    Well Joe, I really don't care about the Phd thesis. I just go by experience and what has seemed to work the best. After honing and stropping thousands of razors, I'm getting a feel for it. I do appreciate all the book information you continually bring up. I just have not found much of it that really seems to be on target from my experience to date. I realize that you have honed and stropped probably 50 razors at this point, so it will be fun to follow your experience for the next 4,950 or so. Take care. Lynn

  9. #39
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Lerch
    I don't think I'm mistaken. I asked for the 60 for a reason. That was because 30 before and 30 before plus 30 after was not a complete comparison. The 60 was needed to rule out the effect of extra stropping. It showed just the opposite.
    I suppose I could be wrong. 'Twas thebigspender done the deed. He'd remember better than I.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Lerch
    There's no support for your first conclusion. The evidence for a benefit is very questionable.
    Of course there is, that was our experiment. I'd like to point out that I said it "appeared" to benefit edge durability, not that it's certain. We weren't stropping periodically throughout the dayin the middle of the night and , we were perhaps only benefitting the edge by cleaning it. I might think something and you might believe something else and both might be wrong which is why the second conclusion is conservative.
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Lerch
    There is clear evidence that more stropping made the razors last longer.
    Agreed. What I meant was that regardless of when you're stropping, doing 50 laps properly at once shouldn't damage the edge more than say doing 20.


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