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Thread: A new reaction

  1. #1
    Senior Member str8fencer's Avatar
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    Talking A new reaction

    Today I was talking to my wife, explaining to her in some detail the importance of a proper scuttle as opposed to the old fashioned shaving mugs, and the huge benefit of warm lather caressing one's face, when, for the first time after I started getting into straight razors, I thought I detected a vague smile as she replied that she never heard of such a thing. I told her that she should not feel bad about that, since no doubt it is hard for a lady to keep up with the continuous development of male grooming fashion, but it sort of left me feeling the need for another, stronger reaction. So now I'm wondering what to do.

    I have to add that she really is supportive of my habit. Tonight she stopped by ikea to get me a rack that I'll convert to hold my shaving gear, and she has not complained once when I bought yet more straight razors. She's even bought me hand made soaps and a silver moustache comb in the past, so I don't want to over-react.

    Bearing this in mind, here's my preliminary possibilities:
    1) Yell at her for being insencitive to my male grooming needs.
    2) Buy 2 of the most expencive one I can find, to drive home the point that a good scuttle is a very important factor in a great shave.
    3) Buy her flowers and some expencive chocolate, and then use these to build guilt over her own luxurious habits until she realizes the error of her ways.
    4) Buy it in secret and keep it in the shed, then wrap it up for christmas and tell her it was a present from a colleague at work.
    5) Tell her I got a mistress. Then after she gets really really mad I'd tell her I lied, but that I am getting that scuttle.

    So far I'm leaning towards option #3, but #5 certainly has it's appeal.
    Comments anyone?
    Last edited by str8fencer; 10-19-2010 at 11:30 PM.

  2. #2
    Seudo Intellectual Lazarus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by str8fencer View Post
    ...I have to add that she really is supportive of my habit. Tonight she stopped by ikea to get me a rack that I'll convert to hold my shaving gear, and she has not complained once when I bought yet more straight razors. She's even bought me hand made soaps and a silver moustache comb in the past, so I don't want to over-react...
    I know is going to sound crazy but another option would be to sincerely thank her for being so supportive, thoughtful and considerate.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth coachmike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
    I know is going to sound crazy but another option would be to sincerely thank her for being so supportive, thoughtful and considerate.
    +1 ANY of your other choices will cost you MUCH more then the scuttle is worth. LOL
    Having Fun Shaving

  4. #4
    Senior Member Miner123's Avatar
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    Just get the scuttle and start using it. She'll respect you for it.

  5. #5
    Senior Member sharp's Avatar
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    Choosing any of the above options is likely to lead to a closet full (or fuller) of new shoes and a look of "You have your AD's & I have mine".

    I tend to buy the wife the stuff that she wants but can't justify purchasing for herself. Then I don't have to justify my own purchase

  6. #6
    Poor Fit
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharp View Post
    Choosing any of the above options is likely to lead to a closet full (or fuller) of new shoes and a look of "You have your AD's & I have mine".

    I tend to buy the wife the stuff that she wants but can't justify purchasing for herself. Then I don't have to justify my own purchase
    +1 to that. My wife and I have a slightly different variation..I never complain about any of her purchases and she can buy whatever she desires..and she allows me the same consideration She's never complained about any of my razor related fact i'm awaiting the G5 scuttle that she ordered for me..damn i'm lucky..sorry to rub it in lol

  7. #7
    Senior Member PaulKidd's Avatar
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    Default Another option

    If you're like most folks, you have a family budget....
    weekly, monthly, whatever. So try this:

    Create a "Discretionary Spending Allowance" budget
    item for EACH of you. That's money allocated for
    whatever purpose each of you may choose. It's your
    money, and you can spend it on whatever you like,
    no questions asked.

    If she wants to spend it on shoes, or you spend it on
    as many scuttles as you like, then just do as you please.

    Just don't go over budget. Maybe you will have to
    "save" a couple of "allowances" before making a
    purchase, but it's up to you.

    Controlled AD....No arguments

    Good luck!
    "If you come up to it, and you just can't do it, then that's jolly well where you are."
    Lord Buckley

  8. #8
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Oh-Oh, you're in for it now buddie. Those wheels are turning in her head and now she has justification to go on a massive spending spree. Better hide the checkbook and credit cards. Next month you'll be on the Suze Orman show crying like a baby.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  9. #9
    Senior Member Misunderstood's Avatar
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    My philosophy has always been, "It's always easier to ask for forgiveness then permission". Bear in mind that this at times has gotten me in the dog house.
    Last edited by Misunderstood; 10-21-2010 at 08:27 AM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
    I know is going to sound crazy but another option would be to sincerely thank her for being so supportive, thoughtful and considerate.
    what kind of nonsense is that?

    Just act like you're mad about anything she buys that way she'll leave you alone about your stuff. Either that or bring up some small character or physical flaw of hers to change the subject and redirect her anger. Trust me she'll forget the scuttle.

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