As you know I'm currently out of work and life is a little tough right now. Anyway a certain member on SRP who also happens to make knives, scales, the odd custom razor, restoration CD's etc sent me a little package.

Now when I say little package I down play it somewhat. It weighed 5lbs and cost $30 just to ship it.

The contents of which stunned me for sometime. Razors to refurbish, blades to refurbish and fit scales to, wood, lots of wood, some tools and some very cool Gucci looking pinning thingy's and other trick bits. Oh.... and two sets of superb finished scales.

I don't ask for charity, I prefer to give than receive and like to think I "pay it forward" more often than most.

This gesture of kindness and generosity had me a bit watery eyed to say the least and nothing...I repeat nothing is expected in return from me, he's made it quite clear.

I am humbled by this fine gentlemans generosity.
