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Thread: Pacific Northwest Spring Meet -Yakima!

  1. #1
    Senior Member deighaingeal's Avatar
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    Default Pacific Northwest Spring Meet -Yakima!

    Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!

    Yes, I am still alive! Yes, I took my MCATs! No, I do not have a brain left, but I have not forgotten you.

    It is well past the time to start planning the spring meet in Yakima. Luckily, I have help this year!
    I just have some questions for you. Who wants to attend? When do we want it?

    For those who have never attended:
    -In Yakima
    -2 days long
    -Honing work
    -Brush turning
    -Scale making
    -Any other shop talk (I got a "new" anvil)
    -Good food! (Lots of it)
    -and I will still try to put together some door prizes!

    So let's talk!

  2. #2
    Seeking Shaving Zen Prahston's Avatar
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    If anyone is looking for an alternative place to stay check this rental home available for day/weekend rental:

    Comfortable Yakima home, close to YVCC, Franklin Park

    Supposed to sleep up to 5 so may be a way for a few people to pool resources and be able to stay somewhere much cheaper than a hotel. ??

    Any questions about hotels, restaurants or ?? just fire away here and we can address questions/concerns as they arise.

    All of the main/chain hotels are close and the closer you are to Yakima Ave/1st Street the closer you would be to whatever nightlife type activity happening. Many restaurants/bars abound and there are a few places offering comedy shows and entertainment of various sorts. Avoid hotels on North 1st Street as a general rule. All restaurants are similarly competitive and there are a handful of excellent higher-end type restaurants with fantastic food.

    For West-Side folks who don't drive... The Airporter Shuttle may be a consideration. Once you got here it would not be a hassle to get you to where you are staying or to get you to the Meet each day. I live in the opposite direction across Yakima from Gerrit's place so I pass pretty much every main hotel on the way there and "nothing" in Yakima is more than 15 minutes away so it truly would not be an issue to provide shuttle service as needed. Don't let those kind of details be an issue if you would like to attend!

    Last edited by Prahston; 02-23-2014 at 05:18 PM.

  3. #3
    Member backpacker93's Avatar
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    Yakima would work great! What general time period are we trying to narrow down?
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    Sometimes I question my sanity, occasionally it replies.

  4. #4
    Senior Member deighaingeal's Avatar
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    I generally hold this meet in the spring. Between mid-March and April. When is best for all of you?
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  5. #5
    Member backpacker93's Avatar
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    April would work best for me, maybe start a poll?
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    Sometimes I question my sanity, occasionally it replies.

  6. #6
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    I'll put my name in the hat for a "Maybe". I have a week + work trip in April and I'm saving all of my brownie points with my wife for the fall meet-up I'm pushing. It would be nice, especially as I have heard great things about deighaingeals work.
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    The older I get the more I realize how little I actually know.

  7. #7
    Senior Member deighaingeal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MattCB View Post
    I'll put my name in the hat for a "Maybe". I have a week + work trip in April and I'm saving all of my brownie points with my wife for the fall meet-up I'm pushing. It would be nice, especially as I have heard great things about deighaingeals work.
    Uh oh! People are talking about me again! XD
    Prahston likes this.

  8. #8
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I have held off posting until I started seeing road under the snow

    Just honed up the Rear Scrape blade on the Kubota, used the Choseras and an Escher Finisher did one WTG pass an I am seeing rock finally
    Unless we get a very late Spring blizzard I think I can pull the Mustang out and have it on the road within two weeks... That means just about any weekend after that I am game for..
    Just have to make sure the wife has a vehicle to drive besides the Truck, she just won't drive it...
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  9. #9
    Senior Member deighaingeal's Avatar
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    Okay!! Let's get this started. Any suggestions? I am very flexible and can usually accomodate. Once I get more interest, I will pick a date!
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  10. #10
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Gerritt, just let me know and I can put a poll up on this thread with dates if you would like
    Prahston likes this.

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