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Thread: Tomah WI

  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Consider me in!
    I may have one or two guys along with me. From Menomonie it is about 2 hours max.
    Will it be one day or two?

    Some thoughts from a attending a few get-togethers.

    A white or black board would be nice to have.
    Small and relatively unorganized is good, But to be fair, hone guys should work it between them to be able to allow all the chance to see somewhat differing methods.

    Good tables furnished by the site or brought from home placed away from the door are a necessity.

    A lot of extension cords will probably be in use. Wall plugs are nice to have so the honing tables should be near them.

    Natural light will suffice for the re-scale and renewal guys but light definitely helps.

    Often the get-togethers are no food furnished or eat what you brung. So a food table could be a place to put shared stuff. A coffee urn would be great! Usually guys bring enough snacks to pass if that is specified; some don't.
    If there is a cooler for ice that is a plus. A microwave is nice to have.

    A hard floor is a plus...hone swarf is hard to get out of a carpet. Hone guys should bring a cheap tarp at least for the floor. Table cloth is a good idea. Any polishing definitely needs a table cover.

    Each guy should bring everything he needs.

    Door prizes are often a source of frustration after the fact. Few, if any, recipients ever even say thanks to the suppliers. And some will never use what they got...or in one case i know of the gift was on the 'Bay within a week. If a guy wants to sell something or give it to a worthy, no problem.

    It helps to get some commitment as to who takes care of, or helps with the cleanup. Minimum of about one hour average for two or three guys. I've been on many of them over the years...

    8-9AM could be a good time to have the place open for early birds.

    Added thoughts from others are welcome..
    I know I just scratched the surface.

    Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
    - Oscar Wilde

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  3. #22
    Senior Member johnnypipe's Avatar
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    April 25th, count me in. No hotel needed. I can bring my own food if needed or go to McDonalds. I'm flexible on starting time. Depending on what time its over, I would be glad to help clean up.
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    "Younger than some, older than most" - Wet shaving for 50+ years

  4. #23
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    I should have my basement, garage, and hopefully the cc, if memory serves me right I think the cc has hard floors and table and chairs. I will go hit it up tomorrow or Saturday. As for door prizes I really haven't been active enough to even figure who to talk to honestly. I know Lynn pretty well but not sure if he does that kinda thing. Also for tools I have some but I haven't been the best of health for the last year so a lot is not done right now. I have a mini lathe, two different sanders, drill press and a slow speed grinder (1750). Trying to keep what else. Coolers I just have to dig them out and I will start putting together a list. Thanks for all the info. I figure about 9 is good for a start. I just got to get the house moving lol. I look forward to this guys it's been a long time.

  5. #24
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jballs918 View Post
    I should have my basement, garage, and hopefully the cc, if memory serves me right I think the cc has hard floors and table and chairs. I will go hit it up tomorrow or Saturday. As for door prizes I really haven't been active enough to even figure who to talk to honestly. I know Lynn pretty well but not sure if he does that kinda thing. Also for tools I have some but I haven't been the best of health for the last year so a lot is not done right now. I have a mini lathe, two different sanders, drill press and a slow speed grinder (1750). Trying to keep what else. Coolers I just have to dig them out and I will start putting together a list. Thanks for all the info. I figure about 9 is good for a start. I just got to get the house moving lol. I look forward to this guys it's been a long time.
    Hi again.
    Thanks for setting this shindig up! Your respected part is setting up the site to hold the meet. All else is the attendee's. What you have at the site the guys should be able to supplement. No giveaway door prizes expected!!!

    The site is the thing. I would expect each person to bring what they want to show off, sell, or demonstrate and what they need to do a demo. Depending in the site space/s, folding tables and folding chairs from home and a cooler from home may be needed to make show spaces. HF tarps or shower curtain liners are cheap ways to protect for the day.. Duck tape to hold them in place would help. A little shop vac for the guys making chunky messes could be a good thing for them to bring..

    I got an email about what does the guy bring with if he has not been to one of these before. So the above is some of what I said to him.

    Attendees, please add info as needed!
    YMM be to the meet!
    Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
    - Oscar Wilde

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    ultrasoundguy2003 (03-27-2015)

  7. #25
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    I will bring my usual stuff-- an assortment of hones and a couple of microscopes. I can bring the video stuff for the scope if someone wishes.

    I can bring one desk sized table if needed.

    Hopefully my new grinder will be done before then but that probably does not need to come.
    Should we bother with a buffer? Randy has a slick small wheel one, as do I on a Shopsmith, or I could bring a regular buffer. What I bring can depend on what someone wants to play with.
    Last edited by Utopian; 03-27-2015 at 07:29 PM.

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to Utopian For This Useful Post:

    ultrasoundguy2003 (03-28-2015)

  9. #26
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    I can bring an experienced card table and chairs. They went to the meet in KC last fall and know the routine.
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    If you don't care where you are, you are not lost.

  10. #27
    Senior Member ultrasoundguy2003's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    I will bring my usual stuff-- an assortment of hones and a couple of microscopes. I can bring the video stuff for the scope if someone wishes.

    I can bring one desk sized table if needed.

    Hopefully my new grinder will be done before then but that probably does not need to come.
    Should we bother with a buffer? Randy has a slick small wheel one, as do I on a Shopsmith, or I could bring a regular buffer. What I bring can depend on what someone wants to play with.
    Yes to the microscopes, Video stuff if you think it would be a good teaching tool. I want to pick your brains about edges and have you critique my technique with my coti to make sure I am getting the most from it.
    Your only as good as your last hone job.

  11. #28
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ultrasoundguy2003 View Post
    Yes to the microscopes, Video stuff if you think it would be a good teaching tool. I want to pick your brains about edges and have you critique my technique with my coti to make sure I am getting the most from it.
    Ok, that will be easy. I'll just introduce you to Randy!

  12. #29
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    Ok, that will be easy. I'll just introduce you to Randy!

    Oh no you don't! ") You have more Coti's than I do.
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    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  13. #30
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    Guys hopefully i will find out tomorrow about the cc. I will request it from 9 to 7 or so. For food I am more than willing to make a pot of carnitas. Really easy to do. As for tables I can get those how many do u think we would need I know I have three Full size ones. Maybe a fourth and I think the cc has several also. I also may have access to some more if I dig around. I know also I have a huge drop cloth and I think I still have a fairly new tarp maybe have to check lol. Tell me what you all think. Oh it was brought up about whether this was a one or two day it will be a one day. Nothing saying though if you want to stick around we have a nice shooting range down the road.
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