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Thread: Are there ever any large National Meetups?

  1. #21
    Edgy and to the point boostdemon's Avatar
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    the problem with Vegas is there really isnt an "off-season" to get better rates and stuff. I'd still go though just cause it would be cool.
    On the other hand, Asheville was fantastic. We had a ton of fun in 2 days for dirt cheap.

  2. #22
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MattCB View Post
    I am having to sign a minimum guarantee for this years Seattle meet. Our group needs to eat/drink a certain amount worth of food. If they don't, I need to come up with the rest.
    Easy solution on that one...

    Don't start the vendor giveaways until enough money has been spent. Given all the great stuff you have accumulated for that meet-up, I don't think you're going to be on the hook for anything!
    MattCB likes this.

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