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Thread: Wisconsin Fall Meeting

  1. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diboll View Post
    I just went to the Razor Emporium link I posted earlier and if you scroll down, under description, is the statement "Leather and Canvas dimensions have changed slightly. They are still 3'' wide, and are now just under by 20'' long with the screw holes being 19" apart". Since I bought leather elsewhere I can't verify those dimensions. The holes in the handle and buckle I bought from Razor Emporium fit both the hard felt and premium fabric backings I have from SRD.

    Measured a couple of strops I have and they are close to that but not exact. Just bought a Tony Miller strop and it is 18 1/2" between screw holes. My SRD Roo strop and a 1/4" hard felt replacement I bought are both 18 1/4" between screw holes. The SRD 3" Premium IV "Long" strop measures 21 1/4" between screw holes.

    My knowledge of Razor Emporium replacement parts is now exhausted.

    Thanks a lot. I went back and found the information based on your guidance. I just had a cataract removal operation a few days ago and I am still getting used to the change in vision. The information was there all along, but I missed it.
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  2. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by RayClem View Post
    Thanks a lot. I went back and found the information based on your guidance. I just had a cataract removal operation a few days ago and I am still getting used to the change in vision. The information was there all along, but I missed it.
    Not a problem. I overlook stuff all the time due to just plain old age. Last eye exam I was told cataract removal is in my future also, just not quite yet.
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  3. #73
    32t is offline
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    To much worry about size in my opinion. If you are making you own and have 2 5/8" who cares. 21" or 26 3/4".

    At least to start I would make the components separate so being equal would not be important.

    The cost of D rings is cheap and then you can sew the material for a cent or two and never have to worry about taking it apart at least until you cut the D ring loose to reuse it after you nick the heck out of the material.

  4. #74
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    If I may, those of you who favor the 3 inch strops might just take the opportunity to strop with a 2.5 some while you all are so (luckily) gathered.

    If you are like most I have known, you will go to a 2.5 someday anyway.
    Last edited by sharptonn; 09-08-2018 at 01:40 AM.

  5. #75
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tintin View Post
    Remember, just because you are making a 3 inch strop doesn't mean you need your hanger to be for a 3 inch strap. If you notice the leather piece that holds the hanger is notched where it folds over. This is because the hanger ring isn't 3 inches.
    I bought my first handles from a hardware store and they are heavy wire d'ring drawer handles which go up to 4" and a pair of them are fairly cheap. Take off the mounting plate and you're home free.

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  7. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    If I may, those of you who favor the 3 inch strops might just take the opportunity to strop with a 2.5 some while you all are so (luckily) gathered.

    If you are like most I have known, you will go to a 2.5 someday anyway.
    Most of my strops are 3", but I do have one 2 1/2" Tony Miller linen strop. I can use the lesser width OK with standard 2 3/4" blades. I have issues using the strop with a couple of full 3" blades in my collection.

    I have some arthritis in my fingers which make manipulation of the blade difficult as it is. When I add the difficulty of trying to cover the entire blade length using x-strokes, the opportunity for damaging either the strop or the blade increases. For that same reason, I also prefer hones that are at least 2 3/4" wide.

  8. #77
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    If you are planning on attending and have not PMed me please do so.

    hiway Construction
    The I-94 Hi-way K exit is closed.

    Take the middle Racine exit which is Route 20. This is Washington street which the Comfort Inn is on. Continue east to Emmertsen north to Trefoil Cir

    Racine county is giving traffic tickets to fund the road repairs. They are so mean and nasty it is even making the local news.

    Observe and obey the speed limits.
    petercp4e and outback like this.
    If you don't care where you are, you are not lost.

  9. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to rolodave For This Useful Post:

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  10. #78
    Senior Member blabbermouth bluesman7's Avatar
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    Bad news- Good news. Our band has canceled the gig that conflicted with the meet- so I may be able to attend.
    spazola, Geezer, 32t and 4 others like this.

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to bluesman7 For This Useful Post:

    rolodave (09-14-2018)

  12. #79
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    This is the list as of today

    Dinnermint John
    Alan John's Dad
    Learner Tom
    TCMicigander Scott
    Bluesman7 Vic
    spazola Charlie
    Utopian Ron
    Gonzo4str8rzrs Bob

    TC won't be here but our thoughts and prayers are with him and Kathy
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  13. #80
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    If you have a Kanayama fabric strop as mentioned in this thread then bring it and we will have a group softening party. I have wooden mallets and such.
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