I am looking for a post bevel setter to compliment my Chosera 800. I have a C2k but it just doesn't have the same feel as the 800, you know, that velvet smooth stroke when setting bevels. I had high expectations for the 2k but I think there is a better stone (natural or synth). I need it to go that little extra step before my soft-Ark, Dragon's Tongue, or other pre-finishers.

Any suggestions? Except for this one.....Nubatama Bamboo 2000 Grit
Not going that way.....

Maybe one of these......
Gesshin 2000 Grit Stone

Naniwa Aotoshi 2K

Nubatama Ume Speckled 2K

Synthetic (Blue) Aoto 2000-3000 grit waterstone

Thanks, Dave