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Thread: Escher Identification

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post

    AFAIK there hasn't been a labelled 'Black Escher' though Mike's was black, and my Hohenzollern was also black.
    There are JGES labeled stones that are later model man-made escher stones. They are black in color. I believe Hatzicho posted about these some time ago.

  2. #22
    Senior Member doorsch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scag315 View Post
    There are JGES labeled stones that are later model man-made escher stones. They are black in color. I believe Hatzicho posted about these some time ago.
    The reference was posted here :-)
    Last edited by doorsch; 04-24-2015 at 12:37 PM.

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  4. #23
    Preserver of old grinding methods hatzicho's Avatar
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    Well Phrank,
    as already mentioned in the other thread, the cup clearly identifies the stone as an Escher&Co. labeled hone.
    In older threads we discussed a possible time difference between the both known labels "cup" and "barbers scene". The truths is that both labels had been used simultaneously even after the Schleifmittel AG had taken over the Escher company in 1923. The different labels also marked a certain quality difference between the Escher&Co labelled hones. The cup hones were marked "prima" Quality, the Barbers scene hones were marked "extra" and have been the premium quality.
    You can see the price difference in both types in the following sheet. The Barber scene hones have had 15-20% higher prices.

    Name:  Escher_Kelch_Rasierstube.jpg
Views: 1532
Size:  35.4 KB

    If there is really a big quality difference in both types - I cannot confirm. The only thing I observed from the hones I have in my collection is, that the barber scene hones all are very homgenous in color whereas some of the cup hones do change/mix color or are cloudy. But I have also a very good yellow-green hone with a cup label.
    It can also be that the hones have been purchased by Escher from differrent quarries/ Whetstone makers and therefore have different prices. Also I do not know, if the early Escher&Co. company had the same qualification between the labels.

    To the black Escher hones I have already written something in another post that I couldn't find at the moment. So here again some informations:

    The black thuringians could be one of the late mined stones by the J.G. Escher & Sohn company. They had a quarry for blue/nearly black hones from the mid 1920 till mid 1930 before they finally mined the mottled black stones.

    It could also be a very special black Thuringian of the company J.G. Escher & Co. Please keep in mind here, that Escher & Co and Escher & Sohn had been two different and totally independent companies since the end of the 19ths century. They also had different sources and quarries where they got their hones from.

    Here is a picture of a labelled black J.G. Escher & Co with a size of 12 inch.

    Name:  12 inch black Escher.jpg
Views: 1457
Size:  28.2 KB

    And here are some pictures that compares the different hones and show the different colors. Especially in comparison to the typical dark blue hones you see the difference. The dark blue hone looks always lighter and with a green/blue tint (even if it looks like a blue-green in the pictures, it is definitely a dark blue!).

    Name:  IMG_1999a.jpg
Views: 1386
Size:  22.6 KB

    Name:  IMG_2003.jpg
Views: 1317
Size:  36.2 KB
    MODINE, Geezer, 32t and 7 others like this.

  5. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to hatzicho For This Useful Post:

    bartds (04-21-2020), Bordee (04-26-2015), doorsch (04-26-2015), engine46 (02-05-2016), Geezer (04-26-2015), Phrank (04-26-2015), randydance062449 (04-27-2015), RusenBG (08-14-2016), Wolfpack34 (04-26-2015)

  6. #24
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Thank-you very much hatzicho for putting together this very informative post, much appreciated!

    I gave it a try last night, and will be doing a shave test later today, which is the most important afterall.


    edited to add: I did see the posts/ threads you were referring to, but did not see a similar label to the one I posted about, that is why I engaged in some....

    Last edited by Phrank; 04-26-2015 at 04:28 PM.

  7. #25
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    Yes Hatzicho is the King , of the Thuringians , and Esher stones . Amazing information .
    But the most intresting thing is how quick the name Esher in a thread , gets so much intrest and answers . Amazing stones indeed - i own 7 of them/small / and i adore them .

  8. #26 JOB15's Avatar
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    I feel like i have seen this label before but cannot be sure.. I take it to be S.R.Droescher ..
    Yellow/Green 24cm x 5cm x 2.2cm .

    Name:  s-l500 (1).jpg
Views: 784
Size:  21.3 KB

    Name:  s-l500 (2).jpg
Views: 769
Size:  8.5 KB

    Name:  s-l500.jpg
Views: 768
Size:  10.9 KB

  9. #27
    Senior Member alex1921's Avatar
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    DSG - Deutsche Schleifmaterialien Gesellschaft
    You can see the G inside the S.
    Last edited by alex1921; 04-21-2020 at 06:29 PM.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to alex1921 For This Useful Post:

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  11. #28 JOB15's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alex1921 View Post
    DSG - Deutsche Schleifmaterialien Gesellschaft
    You can see the G inside the S.
    Thanks.. That "G" is hard to spot

  12. #29
    Mental Support Squad Pithor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JOB15 View Post
    Thanks.. That "G" is hard to spot
    Practice makes perfect.
    rolodave and JOB15 like this.

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