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Thread: Norton Razor Hone

  1. #21
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    One word of caution on the Norton Razor Hone, the most crumbly and rotted barber hone I've ever seen was one of those, it literally self slurried. I don't know how it got that way but was unusable
    strangedata likes this.

  2. #22
    Senior Member Mrchick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodb View Post
    One word of caution on the Norton Razor Hone, the most crumbly and rotted barber hone I've ever seen was one of those, it literally self slurried. I don't know how it got that way but was unusable
    This one is fine. I used it the other nite and no slurry.

  3. #23
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    So is that an axeman stone? Is it muddy-red on the other side?

    Those are supposed to be awesome finishers as well.

  4. #24
    Senior Member Mrchick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    So is that an axeman stone? Is it muddy-red on the other side?

    Those are supposed to be awesome finishers as well.
    Yes it is and it is red on the other side. I feel fortunate to have found it.
    sharptonn and Slawman like this.

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  6. #25
    Tradesman s0litarys0ldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrchick View Post
    Yes it is and it is red on the other side. I feel fortunate to have found it.
    Yes you are lucky. You saved a lot of money.

    Sharpton it is a swell finisher. We all known opinions are like a holes... Everyone's got one. I say that its among the best finishers I have used while another would say its a barber hone. None of them are finer than 8k and so on and so fourth.

    For my sensitive skin its a win.

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    sharptonn (10-06-2016)

  8. #26
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Man, I had a few I should'a kept, I suppose. One was a larger 'Golden Rule' barber's hone.
    In retrospect, that thing was an awesome finisher. What an edge it would impart!
    I have several old B-hones. Just need to try them, I suppose...
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  9. #27
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    I really want to find another one now!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrchick View Post
    This one is fine. I used it the other nite and no slurry.
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  10. #28
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    From what I have gathered from conversations with other folks who have owned Norton "ax man" hones, the earlier ones (like the ones pictured here) did not suffer from the crumbles that plaqued the later hones in the last years of production. Perhaps they didnt like the idea that people were not buying enough hones anymore, and thought "If they wear out fast, they will replace them more often!" and cheapened the process. Nobody seems to know what changed, but 3 different people all said the same thing. The later hones were a crap shoot.
    Mrchick and strangedata like this.

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to Magpie For This Useful Post:

    Mrchick (10-06-2016)

  12. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by S0LITARYS0LDIER View Post
    Yes you are lucky. You saved a lot of money.

    Sharpton it is a swell finisher. We all known opinions are like a holes... Everyone's got one. I say that its among the best finishers I have used while another would say its a barber hone. None of them are finer than 8k and so on and so fourth.

    For my sensitive skin its a win.
    My wife said she had 2 "A Holes", I looked one time & only saw one. What is she talking about?????
    Mrchick likes this.

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