Full disclosure time: I'm so new to honing that I openly call myself a novice, I've had a lesson from Lynn but at lot of this is simply gaining experience.

So, I started by spending a significant amount of time here on the forums reading as much as I could about the synthetic hones. Circumstances made my choice for me as I had the opportunity to buy a used Norton 4k/8k and Shapton Glass 1k from the B/S/T. After my lesson with Lynn I ordered a Naniwa 12k and have had no complaints about any of these decisions, the price of the first set was decent and it's given me the opportunity to learn a few things. That last part is where I see the value along with the enjoyment I'm finding in honing.

Over the last couple of months I've used this progression with little complaint but have already come up with a few musings. The first is that I simply dislike the feel of the Norton 4k, particularly when moving from the Shapton. The second is the nagging feeling that an intermediate stone between the 1k and 4k could be easier/more convenient than the current progression.

I like both the Shapton and the Naniwa but at this point I'm more likely to take the later route as I know that Lynn has taken to recommending it and the obvious price difference between the two lines. If I do go this route I figure that I have two obvious choices to supplement what I have, the single Naniwa 3k to eliminate the 4k and fit between the Shapton and Norton or go with a 3-5 progression or, last but not least, buy the 3k/8k combo and simply eliminate (supplement more likely) the Norton altogether.

Thoughts, gentlemen? Want to talk me into the Shaptons instead? Keep in mind that I suspect, at this rate, I'll own a Naniwa 2k or 3k along with a 5k and 8k by this time next year.