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Thread: Stainless steel razors on Shapton Pros.

  1. #1
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    Default Stainless steel razors on Shapton Pros.

    I just tried to finish removing the smile on my Titan TH-70, which I started months ago but never finished due to the effort required. So I removed the smile and set the bevel on 1K diamond plate, then all the way up from 2K to 30K on my Shapton Pros, I did HHT etc. as I what I did with other razors. It was all good until the 30K. With all other carbon steel razors, 10 laps on the 30K would usually be too much. But with TH-70, nothing happened after 10 laps. Tried to shave with it, no happy at all, So did another 50 laps, improved a little bit but still not good enough. So had to finish the shave with another razor. I remember last time I got it shave ready was stropping on 0.1micron diamond. Thoughts?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Tathra11's Avatar
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    My first thought was why remove the smile from a razor?
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  3. #3
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    I don't like the smile, and it's simply too much... And most importantly I don't like the ground. I most likely have reduced the lifespan by 5 year, maybe 10 years, silly isn't it?

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Probably why it won't hone up, now. U ruined the geometry.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by outback View Post
    Probably why it won't hone up, now. U ruined the geometry.
    I'm pretty sure the geometry is right, I know what I'm doing. The edge is still popping my finest hair on my hand easily but not as good as I would expect it to be. It looks like the Shapton Pro 30K cannot handle the hard stainless steel(Titan claimed it to be HRC 70, I would say even if it's not 70, it would still be in the high 60s, it skids a bit even on diamond plates) as I see much less swarfs than carbon steels.

    I suspect if I strop on 0.1micron diamonds, I can bring it up with more or less 10 strokes. Have to pull out the strop though, haven't use it for quite a while.

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I think you have that backwards. Not all steels can go s fine as 30K grit. Also geometry aside, as you go up into the very high grits one can thin the edge down very fine and it becomes very fragile.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrjin View Post
    I'm pretty sure the geometry is right, I know what I'm doing. The edge is still popping my finest hair on my hand easily but not as good as I would expect it to be. It looks like the Shapton Pro 30K cannot handle the hard stainless steel(Titan claimed it to be HRC 70, I would say even if it's not 70, it would still be in the high 60s, it skids a bit even on diamond plates) as I see much less swarfs than carbon steels.

    I suspect if I strop on 0.1micron diamonds, I can bring it up with more or less 10 strokes. Have to pull out the strop though, haven't use it for quite a while.
    The Shapton 30K glass is a polisher. I have to have a pretty much finished edge to notice any improvement from it. I find that my coticules can put a really nice edge on even the hardest steel and then if I go to a Vermio or Pierre la Lune it gets better. There is no question the bevel gets its best polish from the Shapton, but quite frankly, I don’t notice any improvement in the shave I get from the other finishers.
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  8. #8
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Titan Razors can't handle that edge they barely shave

    To be honest most razors can't handle a 30k edge, Want to see what it is really capable of find a NY made double hollow preferably made in the Little Valley area
    They are cheap and easy to find, the steel and temper can show you what a real 30k edge is

    There are other singular razors that can hold that type of edge but not brands or areas like the Little Valley area brands they are your best bet of getting one that will match that hone
    "No amount of money spent on a Stone can ever replace the value of the time it takes learning to use it properly"
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    Proprietor - GemStar Custom Razors Honing/Restores/Regrinds Website

  9. #9
    Senior Member Johntoad57's Avatar
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    Haven't ever heard of a Titan straight razor. Hope you figure it out.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Most people look for a smiling blade. Removing it seems wrong especially with the amont of work it took to make it take a good enough edge to leave the factory. I haven't seen it but just for comparison I did this on purpose.
    Name:  PXL_20230801_221105552.jpg
Views: 171
Size:  23.9 KB

    Here's another in the works.
    Name:  PXL_20230817_231419664.jpg
Views: 172
Size:  28.7 KB

    A lot of work to go on that tang but getting that thing ground to where it will hone to shave ready is work. I can't imagine why you'd try to undo all that.

    Edit: Have you ever shaved with a blade that smiles like that first pic? It's a great shave. You have to know how to do a scything stroke but if you do it's heavenly.
    Last edited by PaulFLUS; 01-15-2024 at 02:24 AM.
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