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Thread: $39 Eschers

  1. #21
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    So, given that they are not on par with the vintage stones, how do they perform relative to the rest of the competition? I mean would they do well working as fine hone before polish, or as polishers before a strop (pasted or otherwise), or just not at all because of the inclusions?

  2. #22
    Senior Member Tony Miller's Avatar
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    Okay, finally got the Timber Tools page to load for me...damn firewalls!

    They are selling the same stones I did which is kind of interesting as I am the USA authorized distributor <g>. I suppose they are using their Canadian main office as the importer, not the USA address. Also interesting they used my pricing which was based on me weeding out any imperfect stones. Such is business and why you don't see the Hunsrueck stones from me any longer.

    These are the pyrite free, fine grade stones and not at all what Wojec is selling on eBay, nor what Manufactum is selling. Better get mine listed before Timber Frame gets all the sales <g>

    The Heirloom Razor Strop Company / The Well Shaved Gentleman

  3. #23
    JGS is offline
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    At this price; I may just go ahead and get one....but has anyone had some experience with the stone to share?

  4. #24
    Senior Member blabbermouth ChrisL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kees View Post
    These are not Eschers but very fine Thuringians. By calling them Eschers Timber Frame Tools want to capitalize on Eschers' popularity.

    Read this from their site:

    and you'll see they know f**k all about Eschers. The honing particles of Eschers are garnets as everyone knows who owns an Escher and a mike and took time to look at the slurry under magnification.

    Timber Frame World source their "Eschers" from MST: Click "Neue Produkte". Nowhere on MST's site is Escher mentioned.

    All Eschers are Thuringian hones but not all Thuringian hones are Eschers.
    I emailed them with questions about these hones asking more detailed info approx 2-3 weeks ago and never got a response back. FWIW

    Chris L

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