View Poll Results: Which Combo do you use

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  • 1k, 4k/8k, 12k, 16k, CRO2

    46 28.40%
  • BBW, Coticule

    28 17.28%
  • Lapping Film

    6 3.70%
  • 1k, BBW/Coticule, CRO2

    16 9.88%
  • Other, Explain please.

    76 46.91%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: The Hone stone Poll

  1. #71
      Lynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disburden View Post
    Naniwa 1K
    Norton 4/8K
    Naniwa 12K
    I use this combination quite a lot myself, followed by 10 light X strokes on .5 diamond spray on felt. Works very well and is virtually flawless using the circle process in both reliability and consistency.

    I do however, play around with the Natural stones a bunch in lieu of the Naniwa 12K, but from a performance standpoint, it is always right on.

    Have fun,


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  3. #72
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    These days I'm typically using a Naniwa Chosera 1k, Naniwa SS 5k and 8k, and then finish on my Thurry or Asagi.

  4. #73
    Senior Member johnmrson's Avatar
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    My main progression is Shapton Pro Ceramic 1k, 2k, 5k, 8k, 12k followed by Shapton glass backed 16k and 30k.
    I got a Thuringian a little while ago and I'm getting good results using that after the Shapton 12k. I've got a Nakayama Asagi but I haven't yet figured out where that best fits so I'm still experimenting with it.
    I've also got a Coticule and one of those Frankonian stones in the post.

  5. #74
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    Norton 1k, 4k, 8k, Silkvein, Shapton 16k, Japanese Natural, Diamond sprayed felt.

    I estimate the silkvein to be more around 10k as it removes the scratches left by a Norton 8k. Adding it to my progression has added a notable difference when shaving. Most likely because the Shapton 16k was not able to polish out the previous scratches left by the Norton 8k.

    The above progression with the USB microscope to see what is really going on, provides me with very smooth shaves.

  6. #75
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    If I had of replied when this thread started it would have been King 800, 1200, 4k, 8K - CH12k. Now most commonly I go Shapton GS up to 8k then Jnats but uncommonly I'll mix up all sorts of stuff from DMT & Atoma to Belgians to J-Nats, Diamond sprays or anything at hand
    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

  7. #76
    Senior Member MaritimeFanatic's Avatar
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    Utilitarian honing setup.

    Naniwa 3k/8k.
    Chinese Natural (12k)

    Not fancy, and I would like to expand at some point. Works well for the time being though! I really do enjoy the edge off the Chinese Natural though.

  8. #77
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    1k sandpaper, evaluating some other 1K hones, Norton is to slow,
    Single grit Norton 4K and 8K, evaluating some others in between like Tam O'Shanter for a 6K, Dragons Tounge, coarse Thurigens
    Finishing hones....Vary between ch12K, escher, Naniwa, Shapton Pro, coticule etc,
    CrOx usually plus others as the moment strikes me, tin oxide, ceruium oxide, linde A & B, Boron carbide and cubic boron ntride, diamond pastes etc.
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  9. #78
    Senior Member heirkb's Avatar
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    I've been playing around with a few different methods to see what works...

    Shapton GS 1k, Sham's 4k natural, Norton 8k, and then shave. After Norton 8k, I sometimes finish with my Y/G Escher, but I think it's too much of a jump. I don't get the full potential out of the Escher this way, so I'm looking for a cheap way to bridge this gap.

    Recently I've been doing all my razors that weren't quite there on a Shapton GS 1k and then on to my Ozuku Asagi with Botan, Tenjo, Meijiro, Koma, and then Tomo nagura. Gotta try JNats after the 8k, but I've been getting such good results that I don't have too much motivation to mess with this new routine quite yet.

  10. #79
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    O.K.-Im officially falling on my own sword. Earlier on this post I said I wouldn't spend $500 on a rock,and I still haven't,however I did find a Thuringian which it was explained was from the same mine as the Eschers,
    and while not always as good as Eschers sometimes they were,or at least came really close.Now it didn't cost $500,it did cost more than I thought I would ever spend for a Hone (a rock by any other name),the question is as a lot of you guys have experience with them,how close do they come to the Escher experience? I know it depends on the individual stone but in general.any thoughts would be appreciated

  11. #80
    Senior Member Kingfish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzley1 View Post
    O.K.-Im officially falling on my own sword. Earlier on this post I said I wouldn't spend $500 on a rock,and I still haven't,however I did find a Thuringian which it was explained was from the same mine as the Eschers,
    and while not always as good as Eschers sometimes they were,or at least came really close.Now it didn't cost $500,it did cost more than I thought I would ever spend for a Hone (a rock by any other name),the question is as a lot of you guys have experience with them,how close do they come to the Escher experience? I know it depends on the individual stone but in general.any thoughts would be appreciated
    I think it is really good to bring back these posts and retrace your thoughts. I was still touting the praises of the 30k Shapton. On newer Stainless razors I find it gives me the best, but hanging out here at SRP is a singularly the best place on the internet to explore different rocks and really learn to be your personal best.
    I finally learned how to use a German Water stone(thanks anon. member) and they are unbelievable.

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