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Thread: Nagura Pr0n...

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimR's Avatar
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    Default Nagura Pr0n...

    So I got in my three new nagura. I got a Mejiro (whiteeye--the TOTALLY white one), a Tenjou (Heaven--Kind of stripey) and Botan (???--Kind of yellowish). The Mejiro is supposed to be as fine as the Koma, the finest nagura from the Sanjou mikawa mine (the source for all true nagura...not, odly enough, Nagura Mountain...), the Tenjou is fine but it has stripes so it's a different seam, and the Botan is fast but a little coarse...The Tenjou is my favorite to look at, for sure....
    I'll let you know how they work as I get to using them. Exciting!
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    rolodave and Steel like this.

  2. The Following 12 Users Say Thank You to JimR For This Useful Post:

    bassguy (11-16-2010), borebrush (10-09-2010), Disburden (05-16-2010), DwarvenChef (09-20-2009), Evritt (12-30-2010), FatboySlim (05-15-2010), joke1176 (09-20-2009), Lynn (06-17-2010), matt321 (09-21-2009), randydance062449 (06-19-2010), SavantStrike (10-30-2009), ShaveMind (10-02-2010)

  3. #2
    Life is short, filled with Stuff joke1176's Avatar
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    This IS exciting! Keep us posted on your results.

  4. #3
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    Very interested in their use and feel. Beautiful stones I might add

    I'm guessing their value is based on their color? the less color the higher they like to charge?

  5. #4
    Life is short, filled with Stuff joke1176's Avatar
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    Hey JimR, are you using one of these Nagura stones to make your super thick slurry on that Japanese hone in your other thread?

  6. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joke1176 View Post
    Hey JimR, are you using one of these Nagura stones to make your super thick slurry on that Japanese hone in your other thread?

    Nope--I'm using the Nakayama slurry stone Kawaguchi-sensei gave me for that. Strictly by the book on that hone...Kawaguchi-sensei being the book.

    I AM using the Botan to make slurry for repair-work, cuts super fast, and leaves a really nice haze. And I have used the Mejiro to make a finishing slurry for a harder razor on my 8K. It seems to work well for that, in my limited experience. I'm still playing around with them, but I feel like they might be very useful in specific situations.

    It'll take time, though, lots of time...
    Last edited by JimR; 10-13-2009 at 03:08 AM.

  7. #6
    Member SavantStrike's Avatar
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    This thread is a gold mine!!!

    I just got a Nakayama, and it came with a Nagura. I thought for sure I'd never figure out what it was.

    Judging by both the appearance, and the fact that the kanji on my nagura is identical to the kanji on your Tenjou, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that's what it came with...

    That thing cuts FAST too... I learned that after it took the kanji off of my Nakayama... Oh well, I was going to lap it anyways.

    I don't really want to use it on my Nakayama now though, because as you mentioned, it's way too aggressive for finishing (though if I were a Japanese carpenter... I probably would be using it with the Nakayama). I don't have any other naturals in my progression either...

    I'm going to to horrible things with this stone and a synthetic. I'm also going to do slightly less horrible things with it and my C12k. The stone stays though. It's awesome.

    I know, I'm a tease. I shall post pics when the camera is charged, I just couldn't wait to post about this. I read your blog on these, too. I agree, they DO smell good

  8. #7
    Life is short, filled with Stuff joke1176's Avatar
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    Cool score on the nagura, keep us posted.

  9. #8
    Member SavantStrike's Avatar
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    It only took me a fortnight

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  11. #9
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    Ok if I need to work my asagi with a slurry sould I have one of these babies?

    I'm not to crazy about rubbing my ohira stone on my asagi for some reason... I'd like to try out a natural nagura but don't know where to get one just yet...

  12. #10
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Mine came from So Yamashita and I like it.
    So himself uses a 1K grit diamond plate to create a honing slurry.
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