I've honed razors from Unbeveled (not even butterknifed... unbeveled as in appear to have never had an edge ground on them) to shave ready on a DMT 1200 and ~8k(mesh) King. You've got plenty of stones. Any more and you'll have to admit it's just for the HAD.

Personally I'd go for DMT's up to 1200 over anything else. The advantages of DMTs are heavily favorable at low grits and the disadvantages (people's displeasure with the shave-readyness of the edge off EE's) are meaningless. So if you were just swimming in money (and didn't feel the need to indulge HAD with some natural finishers) I'd probably replace that 400 and 1000 with a F/VF DMT benchstone... but your stones will work fine I'm sure (just a little less convenient). Looks like a really good starter setup in fact. I'm jealous of that 3k... I haven't been willing to spring for one yet, though I do want one.