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Thread: Lapping / Slurry stone question not covered in the Wiki

  1. #1
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    Default Lapping / Slurry stone question not covered in the Wiki

    I've read about people using a credit-card sized DMT325 as a slurry stone, and the first thought that leaps to mind is that the same DMT is used to lap hones, so isn't it reasonable to assume that using it as a slurry stone creates an uneven honing surface?

    I ask because I'm expecting a Charnley Forrest this week, and I know I'll have to lap it. I expect to use a series of wet/dry sandpaper. I've got a few sheets of 600 and 1200, but it might take a very long time with those grits and I'm considering purchasing a DMT to get things started. Of course, the DMT product line is downright confusing to me, so I'm sure I'll come back and ask exactly one is proper to use. I've also read about people using the Charnley with slurry, which sounds interesting to try, but without a matching slurry stone, I'll have to find another solution. But even then, I have no idea what kind of slurry stone can be used with a CF. The only one I've got is for my Coti, but using it seems counter-intuitive. Why would I spread a lower-grit slurry on my high-grit CF. Or, more accurately, why would I spread garnet on a stone which has no garnet? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of using a CF? (I know, I know... natural stones can't be measured in grit size, but the logic still applies.)

    What's the solution?

    Last edited by MarkinLondon; 07-29-2010 at 10:52 PM. Reason: typos

  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    The DMT is the slurry stone too, 5 light figure 8's on any hone that can produce slurry and it will be ready to go...

    This laps it, refreshes it, and slurries it, all in one ultra flat plate...
    The only thing you have to be careful of, is some CF's were/are used as oilstones, if you are planing on that, you can't go from a waterstone to an oilstone and back and forth again, you will cause contamination...

    You will also kill 2 birds with lapping the CF on the NEW DMT it should also tame the high diamonds on the DMT
    Last edited by gssixgun; 07-29-2010 at 11:25 PM.

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  4. #3
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    First of all where did you find a CF???
    I have been looking high and low!
    Thaow a guy a bone...

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  6. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I like the DMT coarse 325 credit card sized plate for a slurry because it is light, cheap and easy to use. You can do it with the 8" plate but it is awkward to me. Yes you will effect the flatness of the plate with the slurry generating no matter what you use. The best ,IMO, is a piece of the same rock you are working with but that isn't always available and a CC sized DMT is a good substitute since it probably won't leave grit from the plate to contaminate your slurry. Another natural but unrelated stone might. Not necessarily a bad thing ....
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    I'd really rather not get a DMT. I prefer the romantic notion of using natural stones, and grabbing that soulless DMT each time I want to spend some quiet time with ancient rocks and 19th century razors just doesn't seem like how I want to spend my time.

    I can process the idea of lapping it on paper. I could stand at the kitchen counter with a cup of coffee, listening to Junior Wells records while Nicole teases me about spending two hours flattening a rock instead of attending to my seemingly endless honey-do list. I'll use the paper and then toss it in the trash, where all modern disposable products seem to end up, never to be seen again. I'd just rather find a natural slurry stone or use the hone with water.

    I'd love to say that I'll use the CF after my Coti every time, and that I have a very doctrinaire approach to honing. But I'm not a professional honer. I'm a hobbyist, and the fun seems to be in playing around with the various stone combinations. Perhaps I'll find that I enjoy a particular stone with a particular razor. I'd enjoy figuring that out.
    Last edited by MarkinLondon; 07-29-2010 at 11:44 PM.

  8. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    if you are trying to lap CF with 600 paper Sorry to say . you will need a lot of paper.
    The only good solution is to use not 325 will get killed but use 225 dmt and DGLP.
    This 2 lapping stones will help you.
    to use small 325 as a slurry stone will work
    Lasty if you want to get Max out of your CF you shouldn't use it with slurry.
    CF is oil stone and mean to use for finishing.
    hope this helps.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kevin007 View Post
    First of all where did you find a CF???
    I have been looking high and low!
    Thaow a guy a bone...

    I got it from the guy at the place who had the things. He was very friendly and had picked it up the day before. Had I waited a couple of days, he said, "one of those crazy Americans would have bought it. They buy every one I find." He knew, of course, that I'm one of those crazy Americans. I can't hide my Colorado accent, but I live in London now, so I try and relax, drink at noon, sneer at "those bloody Europeans," and have a dry wit. I think the old guy responded well to that. He only charged me 40 quid.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hi_bud_gl View Post
    if you are trying to lap CF with 600 paper Sorry to say . you will need a lot of paper.
    The only good solution is to use not 325 will get killed but use 225 dmt and DGLP.
    This 2 lapping stones will help you.
    to use small 325 as a slurry stone will work
    Lasty if you want to get Max out of your CF you shouldn't use it with slurry.
    CF is oil stone and mean to use for finishing.
    hope this helps.
    Your name is Sham, right?

    Sham, I suspect you are correct, and that using paper might not be the most efficient use of my time. But until I do it, I won't appreciate the awesome stupidity of trying.

    What's a DGLP?

    While I know that a carborundum barbers hone is technically man-made, I'm pretty sure that my decades-old Aloxite is harder and faster than the CF. Can that be used to lap it or generate a slurry? I suppose that it can, but does anyone do that?

    I've read about using oil on the CF, but I think that I will only use water.

  12. #9
    zib is offline
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    What's a DGLP?

    It's Shapton's "Diamond Glass Lapping Plate" around 300 bucks...give or take.

    Also, A little known fact:

    Hones can actually be used without a slurry, especially Finisher's.
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  13. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by zib View Post
    What's a DGLP?

    It's Shapton's "Diamond Glass Lapping Plate" around 300 bucks...give or take.

    Also, A little known fact:

    Hones can actually be used without a slurry, especially Finisher's.

    $300 is quite a bit more than I want to spend on anything except a genuine Pastrami sandwich, something I miss desperately since landing in London for a year-long academic beating, so it's safe to say that the Shapton option is off the table. Perhaps if I owned a Pastrami farm, like I always wanted to, then I might have the extra cash laying around.

    Also, I had planned to use it only as a finisher, with water, but the entire natural-stone-with-slurry-and-then-with-water process is interesting, and I was wondering how I would do that without a CF slurry stone.

    The lapping will certainly be a pain-in-the-arm if I decide to use paper, but they have really good drugs for that.

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