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Thread: Difference in Carborundum Hones

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScottGoodman View Post
    Does anyone have anything on the 124?
    I have 124 also. I may try it as a bevel setter before I try anything else.

  2. #32
    Member ErieSurfer's Avatar
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    I've twice walked away from a Carborundum 106 for sale in a local shop for $25.00. It looks awfully minty with its black box and paperwork, but the price seems a bit high.

    I've got some barber hones, though I'm just starting to figure out how I will make use of them.
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  3. #33
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    As best as I can tell, all of the lower grit hones ranging from 101 to 105 are of the same material. Although the 106 seems to work just as well, it seems to be of a slightly different composition. It is significantly softer and, unlike the others, is porous.

  4. #34
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Reading this thread leads me to think perhaps I should keep an eye out for an opportunity to pick up a Carborundum.

    Just when you think HAD is licked, it rears right back up again...
    Last edited by Marshal; 12-10-2016 at 06:03 PM.
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  5. #35
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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  6. #36
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal View Post
    Reading this thread leads me to think perhaps I should keep an eye out for an opportunity to pick up a Carborundum.

    Just when you think HAD is licked, it rears right back up again...
    Marshal, do you have any other barber hones? Some of the Carborundums work very well, but there is nothing particularly special about them. I would consider them to be better than average but they are not "top tier."

  7. #37
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I have a 3 line Swaty, and an American Hone Co. barber's hone.

    Which I suppose means I've got hones in the stable that perform about the same function/level. But still, curiosity remains. I'm not about to go out and spend $50+ on one, but it's good to know if I see one in an ebay lot or just at the right price, it could be worth picking up/hanging onto.

  8. #38
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal View Post
    I have a 3 line Swaty, and an American Hone Co. barber's hone.

    Which I suppose means I've got hones in the stable that perform about the same function/level. But still, curiosity remains. I'm not about to go out and spend $50+ on one, but it's good to know if I see one in an ebay lot or just at the right price, it could be worth picking up/hanging onto.
    Yes, several of them are very good hones. If they are in a box, make note of whether they say "razor hone" or "sharpening hone." Only the former is for razors beyond bevel setting. Anything in the 101 to 106 range are good ones that only vary by size, except for the 106 that I described above. There are other good numbers too, but the 101 to 106 is easiest to remember!

  9. #39
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Well, unfortunately anything with the 'razor hone' label seems to be going through a bit of a price hike. I'm not sure if that's because the time of year, or simply that resellers are catching onto the wave of popularity straight shaving supplies are riding at the moment.

    But, 101-106 are what I've been looking for - and also the only ones I've really had luck locating. Seems like the 152 and 201s are more rare. Is the 106 any different in performance, or is it just a different material?

  10. #40
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    The 200 is the Aloxite and very similar to Swatys. I have the 152 but cannot recollect anything in particular about it right now. If you are interested in one I can pull mine out to refresh my memory. I also think, if I remember right, that the 201 is a good two sided hone. I'll have to check that too because I may not be remembering that number right either.

    Yes, the 106 seems to perform the same, in that it produces comparable results. The feedback is a little different, and that is probably due to its porosity preventing water from riding on the surface like the others.
    Last edited by Utopian; 12-13-2016 at 07:35 PM.

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