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Thread: Should I have this Coticule bout cut?

  1. #21
    Senior Member Chefbaze's Avatar
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    So, now that you have the side pictures, the verdict is to send it back? I don't even know what his policy is...Oh well...

  2. #22
    Chat room is open Piet's Avatar
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    That's my verdict but you should get other people's opinions as well.

  3. #23
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    Do you by chance have an end-on picture of the narrow end?

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  4. #24
    Frameback Aficionado heavydutysg135's Avatar
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    It actually looks like there is quite a bit of blue in that stone from the side profile and that shadow of blue on the top could be the blue layer coming through or it could not. Hopefully the seller is honest and knows more than me when he recommended it as opposed to just trying to get rid of something undesirable; I don't know the answer but if I was buying one I would probably opt for something solid yellow through and through. As I said, there is a good chance that the seller knows more than me about these.

  5. #25
    Senior Member Legion's Avatar
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    That stone is fine just how it is. And if you one day want to sell it, coticule values are heavily influenced by their size. You will be devaluing your stone for no reason if you cut the end off it.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piet View Post
    IMHO this stone is no good for a beginner because you should only use the yellow part.
    I know you are just offering your opinion in an effort to help, so please don't take this the wrong way, but I'd like to chime in as someone who loves buying "stained' coticules. Your stone is fine and if used correctly will provide you excellent results in my opinion. As a matter of reference, I've posted one of my own personal favorites that is far from your "standard yellow". Given the chance, I'd buy this stone all over again for even more than I paid. Of course, YMMV.
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  7. #27
    Senior Member AlanII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chefbaze View Post

    I just ordered this la veinette coticule bout vrom Jarrod @thesuperiorshave, after debating what kind of stone to get in my limited price range. I posted in another thread here on srp, and received allot of help.
    My question is, being that its a long bout..228mm X 34mm approx...and it tapers toward the end..should I cut the tapered end off, and make it more of a rectangular shape? I guess I could use the end as a slurry stone...keep in mind I'm a complete newbie at this and was just wondering if not having to worry about that tapered part might make life easier for is also a fairly narrow stone @ 34mm...Thanks Again
    Attachment 90924
    I've been watching this thread since it started- There is no reason why you should not be able to get a shave ready edge of that stone. If you want to cut it down at the 'taper' go for it (I would, for what it's worth).

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to AlanII For This Useful Post:

    Chefbaze (02-23-2012)

  9. #28
    Senior Member Chefbaze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlanII View Post
    I've been watching this thread since it started- There is no reason why you should not be able to get a shave ready edge of that stone. If you want to cut it down at the 'taper' go for it (I would, for what it's worth).
    To cut it, would I just use a wet saw that I would use for tile?

    Thank You for your response..


  10. #29
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    I have a coticule/bbw combo stone that has a spot where the bbw looks like it's coming through, but it isn't. It's just a little thin and translucent in that spot and because of that you can see through the coticule to the bbw. If you take a flashlight or something like that and shine it on the blue-ish part, you'll probably see that the blue tint goes away (or at least it does on mine).

    Like someone else said, I'd try it as a finisher first and see how that works out. I wouldn't cut it up, either. You can get slurry stones for next to nothing and you won't need slurry to use it as a finisher. Also, don't worry about it being too big or unwieldy for hand-honing. I rest mine on my kitchen table; that way there's one less variable that I have to control.

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to myersn024 For This Useful Post:

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  12. #30
    Senior Member AlanII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chefbaze View Post
    To cut it, would I just use a wet saw that I would use for tile?

    Yes, according to this, they work very well on coticules.

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