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Thread: Chosera 5k users opinion wanted

  1. #11
    Senior Member jeness's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lesslemming View Post
    I had a setup consisting of Chosera 1k, 5k, 10k and a Suehiro 9k which to me is a twin to the Naniwa Junpaku Snow White (tried them both).
    I sold the 5k and 10k Chosera, since they did not give me the results I wanted.

    I found them to be too agressive for razors and the resulting edge was inferior to that of the Superstones and Shaptons (personal preference, perhaps).
    The Chosera are no real polishers and if you are used to the mirror of the SS 10k, you won´t be very happy with what the 5k has to offer.
    My Naniwa SS 8k was inable to remove all the scratches from the Chosera 5k. A major selling point for me.
    If this is something that won´t bother you, the Chosera 5k is extremely quick, not very thirsty (mainly spritz and go) and recommended for tools.

    The Suehiro 8k (probably very much like the Junpaku) on the other hand is a fine polisher. It won´t produce a perfect mirror but to the naked eye you will probably be satisfied.
    The resulting edge has always been to my pleasure.

    I am in the market for a 5-6.000 grit stone that will cut fast and leave a good polish to work with and have not yet suceeded.
    So far I use a Shapton Pro 5k, that is quite good for tools and razors

    Maybe you find something interesting in the 6k range of Sigma Select II?
    I am in the same league as you I am mainly looking for a middle stone after 1k, and before 8k. I think the Sigma Select 6k wouldn't be enough to remove 1k scratches in reasonable time, but maybe I am wrong Problem is that I haven't heard of anyone using it with razors, so I would be a bit hesitant to pay the price for it.

    I have used a few stones above and below 4-5k which I could live with, but I was never satisfied with my 4-5k range stones. The 5k SS gets clogged too much, and needs lapping too often, same with the Norton 4k, but it is overall a bit better, but the feel isn't as nice. This isn't so bad with razors, but with knives and bigger stuff it is annoying for me. The Shapton pro 5k was maybe the best, it was hard, left a nice finish, but with razor pressure it was a bit slow removing the scratches of the 1k Chosera, but I didn't like the idea of putting a 2k between them, I am lazy

    So I thought maybe the 5k Chosera would be a good stone to fill the gap, I would go 1k Chosera, 5k Chosera, 8k Snow white, 10k SS, and jnat with water. I already ordered the 5k Chosera, I will try it with the 8k Norton, if I will like the results, than I will buy the Snow white too. If I don't like the 5k Cho, than I will sell it, and stay with the Norton 4k/8k until I will find something more appropriate for my taste.

  2. #12
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeness View Post
    So I thought maybe the 5k Chosera would be a good stone to fill the gap, I would go 1k Chosera, 5k Chosera, 8k Snow white, 10k SS, and jnat with water. I already ordered the 5k Chosera, I will try it with the 8k Norton, if I will like the results, than I will buy the Snow white too. If I don't like the 5k Cho, than I will sell it, and stay with the Norton 4k/8k until I will find something more appropriate for my taste.
    I do hope you'll find it as good as I do.
    I have tried many of the well known stones in that range, and to me, the 5K Chosera is the one I use the most of them.
    Do lap it good when it arrives though, it was a bit gritty until I got down to good honing material.
    I also use the 10K and do find it to be one of my very favorite stones in that range.
    Not as a finisher, but as a step in my progression it is the bees knees IMHO

    A 1-5-10K Chosera progression, to me, is the very best way I have found before going to any of my finishers.
    I've never really had any issues removing the scratch marks while moving up the progression either.
    I guess it only proves one thing, and that is that we all have different preferences and perhaps techniques and expectations too
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

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