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Thread: Chinese 12K

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Gentlemen, thanks for all of the responses! I will go through all the post and take notes, I read them all just didn't write anything down. So from what I gather, the Chinese 12k aka PHIG? can be a hit or miss. My plan as of right now are to re-lap it with wet/dry sand paper, god help me......and try a different blade, setting the spike aside for now. No pressure on this one, also look,listen, and feel. I did watch Glens video's and Lynn's fro bevel setting too. Re-lapped my 4k/8k and touched up 5 of my users last night and stopped at the 8k, but no bevel setting last night. I have one other question, if my PHIG turns out to be a turd, what would tell me that, other than I can't tell any improvement? And what finishing stone would you all suggest that plays nice with 90% of blades? Thanks again! looking forward to your comments good/bad

  2. #12
    zib is offline
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    Just to add what's already been said, I wouldn't use the Norton lapping plate with the C12k, It's pretty hard. Wet sandpaper will do on a flat surface in lieu of DMT C or XX. Mine took a while to lap. Try to get a nice finish on it. 1000g would be good.

    Slurry works well with the C12k. It will definitely help the performance. If you get a good one, they're great stones. Underated imo.

    What stone works well with all blades.....? Probaby Escher tbh.

    I think most guys will respond with the the Naniwa 12k. It's a good all around synthetic finisher.
    There's lot's of natural finisher's out there too. If you can't get an Escher right now, Go for the Naniwa 12k.
    Last edited by zib; 01-08-2013 at 04:11 PM. Reason: spelling
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  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trimmy72 View Post
    Gentlemen, thanks for all of the responses! I will go through all the post and take notes, I read them all just didn't write anything down. So from what I gather, the Chinese 12k aka PHIG? can be a hit or miss. My plan as of right now are to re-lap it with wet/dry sand paper, god help me......and try a different blade, setting the spike aside for now. No pressure on this one, also look,listen, and feel. I did watch Glens video's and Lynn's fro bevel setting too. Re-lapped my 4k/8k and touched up 5 of my users last night and stopped at the 8k, but no bevel setting last night. I have one other question, if my PHIG turns out to be a turd, what would tell me that, other than I can't tell any improvement? And what finishing stone would you all suggest that plays nice with 90% of blades? Thanks again! looking forward to your comments good/bad
    I don't have a bad PHIG, so I can't give you a specific example on determining a flawed one.
    I can say, don't let any 1 or 2 razors label a stone as a failure.
    I have yet to find a bad hone/stone; they can always be used to sharpen something in the house.
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  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trimmy72 View Post
    ... if my PHIG turns out to be a turd, what would tell me that, other than I can't tell any improvement? ...
    The bevel will be very shiny after your 8k, if you get a bad phig and look with a loupe 20x you could start seeing some scratches on the bevel.

  5. #15
    Senior Member proximus26's Avatar
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    I two C12K but different. As many said, they are good and bad once. I use one with water and one with oil. Both really good. I was lucky, that`s all what I can say.

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