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Thread: Newest babies came in the other day

  1. #11
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Just finished the Grid lapping used the DMT 120 for the initial lapping took maybe 5 minutes each to get them flat, Switched to the Shapton DGLP (325) just because I happend to have it out on the table to do the final lapping looks and feels ok.. So I am hitting the razors now

  2. #12
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    Interesting thread, awaiting the report with interest.
    I had the 3k Chosera but did not like it, it would slurry on its own way too much for my liking.

    Right now I am contmplating adding a Suehiro 20k after my 10k SS.

  3. #13
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mainaman View Post

    Right now I am contmplating adding a Suehiro 20k after my 10k SS.
    Ah yes, imho the very finest man made finisher out there.
    And it follows the 10k Chosera and the 12K SS perfectly, to keep with the OT
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I have had a couple of the Chosera 10k hones, Glen - I sent the first back after six months or so because the surface crazed-up. The replacement has just started to do this as well, except it took 9 months or more to occur. It doesn't seem to affect honing at all, but I lap it pre-honing session just to ensure that none of the little 'plates' have lifted up at the corners (the overall effect resembles dried and cracked clay).

    The chosera 5k has just started to show a few hairline cracks - well over a year and a half old now, but the 3k and 1k are still fine.

    I used to get fed-up lapping them (the 10k and 5k, that is) with the Shapton GDLP (or whatever its called!) plate - slow. But an Atoma eats them up.


  5. #15
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I know exactly what you are saying Neil, My 16k Shapton has been that way for 2+ years doesn't look good but works just fine

    First 3 razors are already done on the 1-5-10 very fast, very easy, I actually did them the exact same way I used every other progression starting with 5 figure 8's raising a light slurry on each hone..
    Really smooth feeling, one thing that was a plus is that they don't mess up the tape (which also means they shouldn't tear up the spine) so that also sped things up..

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    Will check back in after 100 or so razors and see how they are working out
    Last edited by gssixgun; 02-22-2013 at 09:46 PM.
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  6. #16
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Ok so I guess a few more today were in order

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  7. #17
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Damn it Glen!

    I had let the lust of the Chosera line fade to almost nothing as my GS's are serving me very well and are my "go-to's" over Norton & Naniwa...using the Chosera 1K as my bevel setter of course. That 1K works sooooo well though....dang you Glen!
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    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  8. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil Miller View Post
    I have had a couple of the Chosera 10k hones, Glen - I sent the first back after six months or so because the surface crazed-up. The replacement has just started to do this as well, except it took 9 months or more to occur. It doesn't seem to affect honing at all, but I lap it pre-honing session just to ensure that none of the little 'plates' have lifted up at the corners (the overall effect resembles dried and cracked clay).

    The chosera 5k has just started to show a few hairline cracks - well over a year and a half old now, but the 3k and 1k are still fine.

    I used to get fed-up lapping them (the 10k and 5k, that is) with the Shapton GDLP (or whatever its called!) plate - slow. But an Atoma eats them up.

    I remember Dylan having this happen with his cho-1k. Mine, couple years old by now, has not shown any problems. So I googled chosera cracking and came up with quite a bit of stuff. Knife forums had a few pages on it. Anyway, my theory is that home heating in winter may have something to do with it. I don't use heat and live in a fairly humid environment. OTOH, if your 10k crazed but the 3 and 5 didn't ..... maybe I'm wrong (shudder). I do soak my 1k cho for the recommended 15 minutes and let it dry in the dish basin in the kitchen. I store it, along with other rocks in the kitchen cabinets. One of the benefits of not being married.

  9. #19
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Ok 8 razors done yesterday 7 as I planned using a Finisher after the 10k with no issues at all, the one I did with just the 10k as the finisher was just not there, keep in mind this is my most Harsh shaver out of about 100 personal razors, so this part might take some more work.. The shave was just OK.... I was honestly hoping for better

  10. #20
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    Interesting thread which I will follow.

    Will these Chosera cut faster that their SS counterparts?

    Other than possibly cutting faster, what advantages do the Chosera offer over the SS's for someone who is only honing for personal use?

    This is the good honing stuff you don't find on any other of the forums.
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  11. The Following User Says Thank You to TheLegalRazor For This Useful Post:

    JimmyHAD (03-02-2013)

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